Help! Petrol in a diesel - eek.

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poppajn, Aug 11, 11:48pm
No they won,t as it has,nt been started.

fryan1962, Aug 12, 12:05am
bad advice as fuel has not left the tank

unless you want to waste money

intrade, Aug 13, 12:18pm
you want to add loads of chemtech or other diesel additiveand you should use winns edt or chemtech in any case. Diesel is not lubricating mutch at all these days and now that you added petrol it will be worse . Read threads about this its called "ulsd problem". and yes 25 liter needs draining first

intrade, Aug 13, 4:08pm
diesel was not ulsd probably back then. today diesel does not even lubricate enough without adding petrol as detergant to brake the lubrication factor even further. There is a few threads with people who now have busted injector pumps. all i posted was i told you so.