I agree you need to be super careful with car pricing in Christchurch at the moment. There are some dealers in particular who are absolutely taking the piss, listing cars for over twice what they are worth in some cases.
Luckily freight and flights are cheap!
Sep 12, 4:13am
Passats are a decent price at Turners where we got out Golf.
Sep 12, 4:15am
GC my Corolla was bought at Turners in Dunedin.Is a great little wagon but I've decided to get something newer - 08 onwards - and my first automatic.
Sep 12, 4:19am
There was a really nice black Golf GTI that was crazy nice. I don't quite recall the year. May have been 2007 and sold for 11, 250 or something crazy. Well I thought it was crazy.
We just got a 2004 2.0 FSI Golf. I love it. Got rid of my 2005 Suzuki Swift for it. The passats from what I remember were between 12 and 16 thousand.
Sep 12, 4:20am
If everyone did that then not many people going to the snow are they!
Sep 12, 4:21am
Wow GC those prices are pretty good. I know someone with a sports Swift and cannot believe the turning circle on it for such a little car - it is crap! Just checked Turners in Dunedin and no wagons I want listed at the moment.
Sep 12, 11:51pm
Hi gram, Some of the agents are the worst for doing a crappy job and overcharging. I won't name names but the experience's we have had with a certain agent were stranger than fiction. Even included having an almost new Audi lose all its oil suddenly on the way home after a service. And that is one of many many stories I have.
Sep 13, 3:01pm
Yes sad fact of life jazz. Any comment about the A4 I linked in my message.! It's a Tauranga car too.
Sep 13, 3:53pm
Hi again, I don't think the car in the link is a terrible option by any means, that 2.4 engine is a good one, you probably realize but its the same setup as the 2.8 and 3.0 and they are a really top series of engines. I do think you could probably do a little better value wise especially as you may need to factor in a timing belt service. I think too that for the power the 2.4 puts out the 1.8T is going to be just as good and be a little cheaper on gas and slightly cheaper on the timing belt front. If it becomes a serious contender I don't mind giving it a quick look over for you so you can rule it out if its an obvious lemon before paying for a pre-check or taking the long trip down.
I am also happy to drop it over to "The Garage" (actually called that) who are very competent and would put it on the hoist and give it a good looking over and give you an opinion for a very reasonable price.
The offer is there if you need it.
Sep 13, 4:00pm
Very true. Regardless of brand.
Sep 13, 4:06pm
One more thing gram, you may know this but the 2000 A4 is the last of quite an old body shell. As a result its not as good in a crash as the Passat or A6 of the same year. The 2001 and newer shape is much better.
Incidentally if your daughter didn't mind the extra size the A6 is worth considering too, its the better newer designed car and generally higher spec yet is often the same price or less for around a 2000 model.
They are not particularly bulky to drive (My folks had 2 and they are not big car fans) and the extra room and luxury is great on long runs to the ski field with friends. Same engines etc so not really any more service cost etc.
Sep 13, 5:10pm
Yes the 2000 is the same body model as my 1998. 4.5 crash rating compared to 5 in the later ones. I've previously checked out the A6s and thought they always felt bigger which is why I stuck with A4s. Didn't need the extra room etc and she doesn't think she does either. I've had the 1.8, 2.4 and 2.8 motors so she knows them .this car happens to appeal to her and it's in her budget. Thank you for your suggestions, and thanks for the very kind offer to check out the car. How do I contact you jazz.! My email is [email protected] if that helps. Am I allowed to do that here.!
Sep 13, 7:57pm
Probably not but I will drop you a line anyway. Hopefully TM will understand this is only to help you buy a car in a TM auction anyway.
With regard to the crash ratings, perhaps check them again. I was of the understanding the A4 was only something like a 2 1/2 star car until 2001, also again I could be wrong but I think that body first appeared way back in about 94 hence the low rating.
Sep 17, 8:07pm
Is anyone interested in buying a 1993 Subaru legacy gt, SINGLE TURBO. It has no WOF or REGO and all would need is a mechanic or somebody Mechanically minded to fix up minor things. for wof it needs 4 new tyres, a tail light and two little number plate lights. Or I can part it.
Sep 17, 9:53pm
Sorry, but that's exactly the sort of car I'm trying to keep her out of. Instead of dumping in every Subaru thread on the messageboard, why not put it up for auction the way everyone else does.!
Nov 4, 12:03pm
Start an auction you muppet! Besides, no one in their right mind would buy an expired heap of $hit "SINGLE TURBO".whatever.
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