64% Failed a few months ago.54% failed last month.(NZH) Is it a revenue gatherer for those involved in licensing drivers.Should the tests be done from a police station instead whereby their is no financial qain to the privateer.seems ludacris too me that someone who has done 120 hours of supervised driving is not fit to drive.especially when in some cases driving instructors are saying they were good drivers.This is exploiting those that need mobility to function in the working world surely.your comments.had anyone you know fail
Sep 8, 9:08pm
"64% Failed a few months ago.54% failed last month"
Simply tells me that too many ppl are expecting licenses to be handed to them without knowing what they are doing
Sep 8, 9:08pm
BUT yes, some fails are pretty silly Retry fee's are a bit harsh
Sep 8, 9:22pm
So get it right or go without. Quite simple really. The driving standards, vehicle standards, and road standards could all do with lifting to a new level.
Sep 8, 9:27pm
Yep, its a bit unfortunate that the newbies coming onto the scene are wearing the brunt of the changes when you consider some of the abysmal driving skills and behaviour that are already out there, but then that's life sometimes.
Sep 8, 9:44pm
A money-making rort by testers guaranteeing them a continual income. Who protects the consumer from this thievery, I wonder!
Sep 8, 9:51pm
All information on what is required to pass the tests is available freely. If you can't manage that, and have to sit (and pay) again, where's the theft!!
Sep 8, 9:54pm
I just did my theroy test for class 2 learners. Got 100 percent. You just have to learn the rules and show them what they want to see. Simply really.
Sep 8, 9:54pm
The latitude is there and in some instances is potentially being taken advantage of, so there is possibly room for an ombudsman, appeal process or the like to keep these sort of swine in check.
Whinging mothers and fathers who think their little darling should have passed because they and their driving instructor whom they have paid handsomely think so DO NOT qualify as watchdogs in these sorts of scenarios !
Sep 8, 9:56pm
Is there a break down on what parts they are failing on! If its the scratch and win well tuff luck, its not hard really. Geez I did one for a laugh not long ago and passed no prob. Hadnt done one since licences were lifetime ones LOL. And if its the drive part well maybe they just cant drive.like half the country. Its not a right its a privilege to be able to drive.
Sep 8, 9:56pm
Its all very well looking from the outside in, especially when the eyes that we are looking thru are those of the media.
Sep 8, 10:51pm
I too would love to know - are people failing the theory questions or the practical exams!
Sep 8, 11:13pm
One assumes that it is the practical test for a restricted licence that they are failing at, which I personally don't have a problem with, providing it is all being done above board and the applicants aren't being either (a) farmed, or (b) failing the attitude test because the tester decides that he/she doesn't like the applicant or their attitude. Any twit can rote learn the scratchy phase for their learners if they spend enough time going over and over it at various web sites.
Daughter failed full test, had just completed driving school and pre-test etc and was told absolutely nothing wrong, will pass with ease. Apparently failed due to slow hazard identification (wasn't told to be fast). Went back to driving school to complain, ran her through a test and said no problems at all. Laid written complaint, you can guess their response! Money making scheme! you bet.Oh yes, person that tested my daughter said she would have passed a few months ago without problem and that there is nothing wrong with her driving its just the current test thats wrong.
Sep 9, 12:35am
How likely do you think it is that the driving school are going to admit that their processes are possibly deficient in any way !
Sep 9, 1:10am
Actually had lessons through 2 different schools.
Sep 9, 1:36am
Almost sounds like driving school are teaching to the old test!
Sep 9, 1:55am
I highly doubt that alot testing through are even getting near 120 supervised hours and if they are and still cannot pass after that then they are seriously deficient and should not be driving at all.
I sat my restricted after barely driving on my learners (under the old test) and passed no problems, I sat my full under the new rules and passed no problems. its freaking common sense!
^^ I see above someone complaining about a daughter failing for identifying hazards to slowly. FFS, "sorry officer, i didn't meant to hit that person but I just couldn't register them fast enough". You absolutely MUST be able to promptly identify hazards or you become a hazard.
Sep 9, 2:11am
Just to clarify that though, it means you sat the two short tests. You've never done the full hazard perception test. I'm not saying you wouldn't pass it, I just mean you're not in a position to comment on what its like to sit.
Sep 9, 2:15am
Went and sat my full last month . Was nervous as all heck but it was a piece of p1ss.
It's all well and good stating those percentages , but without the reasons for why they failed its abit pointless . 90% of them may have failed because they had no wof
Sep 9, 2:25am
Actually it does leave me in a position to comment as # 15 - appears to have failed under the current test of which I personally sat.
"Oh yes, person that tested my daughter said she would have passed a few months ago without problem and that there is nothing wrong with her driving its just the current test thats wrong."
Sep 9, 2:26am
My tester for restricted was known for basically making up his own rules. He eventually got decked by an angry father after failing someone for something that was utter drivel. He ordered me to upchange on a hill at one point,, my car was not amused.
I actually had lessons for some odd reason. Anyway the sillyness of it all stuck out when I turned up for my full licence. It was in a little side street off a main road I had to meet the guy, it's quite busy with trucks and narrow so I hopped the curb and parked on the grass off the roadway. He turned up and did his nut about how my car was damaging the grass and a bunch of other nonsense while everyone had to file around his car parked on the road. During the hazard section where you talk out loud he asked me to commentate. I said "like a race track announcer!", he then argued with me that NO, LIKE A RUGBY COMMENTATOR. What on earth that had to do with making me a safer driver I have no idea. Basically a bunch of muppets
Sep 9, 3:11am
Saying she would have passed the old longer/harder full test but now fails the new shorter full doesn't make a lot of sense. I was simply commenting that you haven't done the full hazard perception test.
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