Took my car for a wof today it is a Blue 95 Levin gtz AE101 and it failed as the lights need polishing, ok I know not a drama but they polished them 6mths ago the car has only done 1500kms since my last wof.Is this going to be a 6mthly thing that needs doing and if so what do I use or should I just replace the headlight covers!I would just rather have it go in and come out the other end without silly minor things needing to be done.
Ps Please go easy I am a girl =)
Sep 6, 9:24pm
Just do what needs doing for WOF :) . Simple ;)
Sep 6, 9:25pm
Put eyelashes on them, then they can't see them (o:
Sep 6, 9:29pm
I don't have a problem doing what needs doing but I have never owned a car that needed the headlights polishing let alone every 6mths.So if this is something I have to do what do I use!
LOL ill pass on the eyelashes prefer to keep it factory.
Sep 6, 9:30pm
once the plastic start s to go, its "normal" to have to re do them after a while
Sep 6, 9:31pm
Go to your kitchen cupboard, get out the jif then use that to clean your lights!
Sep 6, 9:34pm
once plastic headlights go yellow they dont last long after being polished. your other cars probly had glass headlights
Sep 6, 9:34pm
Thanks I will do that in future,
Sep 6, 9:36pm
Cool thanks, Might just be easier to get some new ones save the 6mthly hassle, the car is mainly garaged and did one road trip in 6mths which is why I was a little dumbfounded
Sep 6, 9:38pm
I need to do my subaru legacy lights every 6 months and it makes a big difference to safe driving at night.I use toothpaste, Jiff, or Brasso
Sep 6, 9:40pm
I wouldnt use JifGo to SuperCheap or Repco who have the correct stuff for polishingthelight covers without the risk of scratching them and ruining them forever.
Sep 6, 9:43pm
Thanks, that is what worried me if I used something I shouldn't and ruined them, oh well they can polish them again today and I will then go and get something from Repco in 6mths time
Sep 6, 10:01pm
We use Jif on our cars with no problems :-)Was recommended by a mechanic too.We use the liquid version, not the dry powder stuff.
Sep 6, 10:02pm
Why don't you ask your mechanic what they use!
Sep 6, 10:04pm
You could contact Braxtons, they do headlights for nearly everything, new, used and reproduction.
Flick them an email and see what they can do.
Sep 6, 10:15pm
The trouble with using an abrasive like Jif is that it can put micro scratches in the plastic which make it fog up more easily.
Sep 6, 10:25pm
I asked why they needed redoing and was told it was just something that needed to be done regularly, and then dropped the bombshell that the new door handle it needed for a wof hadn't been ordered which I reminded him to orderearlier in the week when I booked and that kind of left me speechless and annoyed lol, so I waited 30 mins to calm down and thought I would ask here
Sep 6, 10:50pm
Called headhlight restorer and costs approx $50
Sep 7, 7:33am
Chemico works well as dose the polish for glass ccok tops and the flash stuff for showers that you get from Mico Plumbing world Bunnings etc.Toothpaste and a scrubbing brush.I wouldnt worry about microscratches.Every time you drive behind another vehicle the front of your car gets a sandblast from the grit and junk on the road.If you have to spend 10 mins every wof cleaning the lights just use whatever you have handy.
Sep 7, 11:15am
From Turtle Wax, I bought this kit a year ago and have done 3 cars and still have lots left. Works well on other clear plastics around the car as well.It's good kit and makes the headlight lens' really clear and look new again. Well worth it.
Sep 7, 1:23pm
$50 to polish the headlights!A light cutting compound works such as chemico or jiff as others have said.
Sep 7, 1:34pm
they are so simple to clean its not funny. last time I did mine I just put a bit of toothpaste on a rag. Give them a quick rub and sorted. It's so easy its no big deal even if they needed doing every wof.
Sep 7, 2:30pm
Just polish them when they need it, really easy. Replacement headlight units, they haven't got replaceable covers, could cost anywhere from $200 to $800 each. I just use a cutting car polish every 3 months.
Sep 7, 2:38pm
VTNZ guy told me to use Brasso, worked a treat & no scratching.
Sep 7, 2:40pm
With no guarantee that they aren't going to do exactly the same thing as the present lights have done !
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