hi, I'm putting my opinion aside in order to get a wider view on behalf of a friend who is looking at a Euro wagon in the 5-9k range. He has offered up two options - '99 Mercedes C200 and '01 Volvo V40, both ex-Japan.
I've suggested two alternatives - E46 series BMW 3 series wagon, Mk4 Golf wagon.
From these options, can I/he get some informed comment please - which would be the best bet, and why! Any better options!
Sep 3, 6:10pm
wait for it lol:)
Sep 3, 6:31pm
yeah - well I have owned all of the makes listed above - so can give some actual advice, but I'd like him to get input from others who have actual informed comment.
Sep 3, 6:50pm
The V40 should be had for $5k or less I reckon.
Sep 3, 6:54pm
hey Mr Weston - you bought one right! Any issues with these! anything to look out for! would you recommend it over the other options!
Sep 3, 8:59pm
Hard to beat tdi Passat variant. Economical, looks good, roomy awsum!
Sep 3, 10:21pm
no sadly I missed out on the V40 - it was relisted for $1000 more and then promptly pulled from sale again - then noticed it a month after at another dealer's yard for $1000 deposit and 24 monthly payments of $400. $11k for a '99 V40. no thanks! Have spied a Xantia wagon not far from home which may go cheap, a pity it's petrol automatic as I would have preferred diesel manual, but will look into it if the price remains low.
Sep 3, 10:30pm
You can get a realy nicely specd mk4 golf wagon pretty cheap, only thing is that they are all auto, easy to do a manual conversion on though
Sep 4, 12:19am
Golf wagon is quite a bit smaller than the E46 and I'd avoid the 1.6, extremely slow. Also thought the V40 a bit small on the inside, but a nice looking car. Can't comment on the Merc as not driven one but the E46 is a pretty good option. Personally I'd be looking at an MG ZT-T or possibly a Rover 75 Tourer if you can find one, they go for that sort of money and are very, very good cars. A bit bigger than an E46 though, and quite a bit bigger than the golf.
Sep 4, 12:25am
For your price range you could get a realy nice Audi a6 4.2 v8
Sep 4, 12:31am
We have actually had all of the above in the family (BMW and Mercedes not in the wagon form). I liked all of them actually and while they all had pro's and con's and some are very contrasting vehicles, I wouldn't be in a big rush to throw any of those options out (including your ideas, I think they are good too). If I wasn't right in the middle of projects today/tomorrow I would be happy to give you a typically in depth Jazz analysis. In the meantime, if I had to give just one piece of advice. I would be checking the prices of the V40's and Mercedes carefully. In that age group they can be had quite cheaply. I would be trying for the new version of both, at the upper end of the price range if it was me. 5K is loads of coin for the old model Volvo, it would have to be a minter IMO. I also like the A6 idea if fuel economy is not an issue, the 3.0 is also a favorite of mine although you can't beat the 4.2. even just for the sound!
I would possibly add a Fiat Marea 2.0 to this list as well should a mint one come up. With some caveat's around allowing for the timing belt service cost and depending on what it actually is they are looking for in a wagon.
Its a pity I don't have more time as each has some very different pro's/cons in terms of parts availability, service requirements and things to look for. You may well be familiar with most of that though.
Sep 4, 12:51am
BTW, there is/was a W203 (newer model) Mercedes Wagon at a dealers on here which might be had for not much more than 9K. I like the 2.0 Kompressor best but the 1.8 is good too. I havn't noticed any real difference in economy between the two.
Sep 4, 1:06am
E46 3-series would be my pick - only issue is the wagon is fairly hard to find in decent spec levels and budget may be an issue.
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