Tyre sizes ?

annabella.star, Sep 6, 9:55pm
My Daughter has a Holden Astra with tyres 175/65 R14, she needs some of them replaced and we have some 185/70 R13 laying around, would these be able to be used of her car !

hi-ling, Sep 6, 10:22pm
If you have matching 13inch rims then yes, But would be easier to buy some 175/65/14 tyres on trademe. I got 2 about a month ago Brand new for $120 the pair

hi-ling, Sep 6, 10:30pm
Heres 1 tyrelisting no:509968678

johnf_456, Sep 6, 10:30pm
No as they are 13 inch not 14. "r13" means the rim size is 13 inches.