What oil to get

dint, Sep 27, 5:19am
hi.i have a 91 mazda proceed 2.6 and wanting to do a oil and filter change, what type of oil should i be looking for! cheers

phillip.weston, Sep 27, 5:21am
15W40 or 20W50 full mineral or semi-synthetic if the kms aren't high.

crash-hdd, Sep 27, 5:38am
sorry for hijacking dint

whats not high for that age of 4x4

phillip.weston, Sep 27, 5:40am
say 200,000kms, or whenever it starts to burn oil.

crash-hdd, Sep 27, 5:53am
i have a 92 proceed that has done 232K would that make a difference

next-to-normal, Nov 28, 2:48am
im a big fan of motorup,does wonders for diesel too