I remember someone telling me a few years ago that it was illegal to have neon lights under your car - true or false! Reason I'm asking is because I saw someone with them last night and quite liked them!
Sep 23, 5:40pm
No they are not legal for use when you are driving the car. I did wonder about a circuit breaker being fittted so they can only come on when the car is stopped with the park brake on.
Sep 23, 5:46pm
How annoying - I quite liked the ones I saw last night. Oh well.
The circuit breaker is a good idea though
Sep 23, 6:21pm
I thought it was legal whenyou cant actually see the light bulb itself. So long as you can only see the glow - as to not dazzle other road users.
Sep 23, 6:21pm
I cant be assed searching nzta website but there is a write up on there about neons and all that.
Sep 23, 6:25pm
thanks - will have a look
Sep 23, 6:51pm
probably legal, and a new law now means you can marry your other neon light under car buddies.
Sep 23, 6:59pm
Correct, you're not allowed to see any other light on a car other than the prescribed lights (head lights, tail lights, fog lights, indicators etc.). However, you're allowed to have them so long as the reflected glow from the lights is all that's visible.
If the light itself is visible by other motorists then a cooper will do you.
Sep 23, 7:14pm
. for incorrectly making barrels G ! :)
Sep 23, 7:27pm
Ahh thanks for that information - it got me wondering as I had been told they are illegal, but after seeing them last night ad finding some for sale on trademe I wasn't sure
Sep 23, 7:32pm
They should be morally illegal! haha
Sep 23, 7:33pm
Surely he woodn't bother.
Sep 23, 8:01pm
I take it you're not a fan
Sep 23, 8:20pm
just another gay fad.
Sep 24, 12:35am
Just like a/m exhausts are gay, shiney rims are gay, custom paint is gay, flash gearknobs & pedals are gay. Oh hang on, any modification must be gay cos they are "fads". On a fad is supposed to be over within a few months/years but no it still continues so yeah not a fad. GTFO yourself.
Sep 24, 12:37am
Fluffy dice!
Sep 24, 12:54am
Sep 24, 1:12am
There's a difference between a decent modification and poor taste tacky add-ons.
Sep 24, 1:14am
As far as neons go, officially I'm not sure. I've heard the same about so long as the bulb isn't exposed, only the haze, but never read the official rule on that.
I do know though, that any extra lights fitted that aren't otherwise legal are ok so long as ran off a seperate switch, then it is a case of the driver using them at a legal time (IE offroad for extra lamps etc) and policing to stop it if not used when allowed.
Sep 24, 2:47am
They are totally legal so long as the light bulbs are tucked away out of sight so that only the glow can be seen.
Sep 24, 3:04am
Are they still cool! thought these went out about ten years ago
Sep 24, 3:34am
Never go full retard!
Sep 24, 5:07am
c'mon . what about those family stickers at the back of most cars . thats a mod too.
Sep 24, 5:16am
They're nowhere near as bad as those silly fuel cap stickers people put on their fuel flaps lol
Oh and we need a black 13" dildo gear knob!
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