Morrisman1 a15 advice

gmphil, Sep 17, 8:30pm
Do believe i read here u play with a15 engines . Wot other vehicle can i source alternator for the a15motor from ,ga15!

morrisman1, Sep 18, 12:18am
the old datsun engines had externally regulated alternators, later ones like the GA15 engine has internally regulated. Because you will be set up for a Vee belt drive its probably easiest to stick with that than convert to the ribbed belts like a lot of moderns are. Mazda's of the 1990s many have standard Vee belts so maybe they are a possible donor.

Trial and error there, all you need to worry about is the fitment. If you are doing wiring on the car too then it will be easiest to get one with an internal regulator.

bigfatmat1, Sep 18, 4:23am
Some of the old alternators rrp at around $120 new these days.

gmphil, Sep 19, 4:00pm
Thanksfor ur replies