How bad is texting and driving.

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therafter1, Sep 15, 9:50pm
Very bad.

therafter1, Sep 15, 9:53pm
The law is an ass, and this half witted law proves it yet again. Previously they were overtly texting with their phone held up by their steering wheel where they could text and keep 1/2 an eye out as well. As a consequence of this half witted law the drive and text half wits are still texting, only they are trying to do it with their phone out of sight which means they don't have 1/2 an eye on the road anymore.

therafter1, Sep 15, 10:07pm
You city fellers are lucky as a lot of the time these mongrels texting at 100k are on the other side of a barrier.

The next time you are on a two lane carriageway (as I am 7 days a week) and you have a vehicle coming at you demonstrating erratic behaviour, veering within and outside of the lane etc keep a sharp eye on the driver, and as they pass you can bet your bottom dollar that they are looking down at an out of sight phone !

Likewise if you have one in front of you, the first thing you will usually notice is a varying speed.

johnn, Sep 15, 10:08pm
I see people on their phones & txting while driving every day, we all know that we are not such good drivers while our minds are on our phones but we are prepared to take the risk.
I think people had a bit of a scare about it when the law first came in but now it is back to normal, very hard to resist just sending a little message back isn't it! Communication is so important in our lives today & there are hardly any cops around so why not take the risk!

v8_mopar, Sep 15, 10:18pm
sorry but I text and drive. Hit two buttons and voice text is on then talk the msg, the cell types it down for me then I hit send.

Against the law well is kinda but in saying that i can eat a burger, talk to people in the car, talk on hand free, smack the kids (lightly), change the radio station and check out the chick on the side of the road all at the same time and law man cant do a thing about it if im still driving fine

therafter1, Sep 15, 10:27pm
I did mention that the law was an ass didn't I !

There is an awful lot of other stuff that can be added to your little list.

At the end of the day if you are doing any of it and you cause an incident you can be dicked, but only if they can prove it or if you admit it. And in the case of texting they can (and do) prove it, but the rest isn't so easy to prove . so they went for the dead cert money spinner, more revenue collecting pure and simple !

kokako14, Sep 15, 10:59pm
Saw a great one in the Mall car park a couple of days ago.
Lady, (well that may be an exaggeration,) phone in one hand. Looked like they were texting, McD??

raymond00001, Sep 15, 11:04pm
Its the smartphones that are a problem as people need to look at the keypad, you cant do it by touch alone. Law change has made zero difference to the road toll, plenty of other distractions out there. Bit like drink drive crashes, the person may have been due to have accident anyway but it goes down as a DUI crash in the stats. Those sober drivers are the ones to look out for, there responsible in about 70% of all crashes.
Now we have the added risk of people slamming on their brakes to pull over and answer a call, hb expressway real bad for this.

dr.doolittle, Sep 15, 11:05pm
Worst Ive seen was a young excec. type girly using her laptop which was set-up on the passengers seat in rush hour traffic heading west on the Northwestern Mway with the sun in her eyes.

aragorn2003, Sep 15, 11:07pm
ya pervert

eajo1mbwass, Sep 15, 11:14pm
texing driving pure dumb look in the last couple of months how many have died doing this or killed the passenger , people talking on the phone with up to there ear no reason for that now with so many hands free options around now from dash speakers to ear pieces that work real well , law is not an ass at all it people braking it killing others that are the asses would say much worse , gee how did we get on before cell phones , no message is that important it can not wait , what cost do you put on your life or others ,

edangus, Sep 15, 11:31pm
You think textings bad, try writing an email!

clark20, Sep 15, 11:49pm
I have tried and nearly crashed, it is a bad thing and if it is so important, then pull over and do it properly.

jarrod261, Sep 15, 11:56pm
Try working on the roads!
The amount of idiots that have driven over road cones or have had to swerve to avoid them is just unreal.We see so many close calls every week that its just rediculous how thick people are.
Does it really take one of these clowns to have an accident or run someone over before they realise how stupid it is!

tigra, Sep 15, 11:59pm
Totally sympathise with you.Got a daughter who does this. She doesnt drive the family cars anymore.

eajo1mbwass, Sep 16, 12:03am
being a truck driver you see this all the time , also can not believe how every one speeds threw the road works look out on the north western 70 k road works i slow down truck trailer and so many give fingers etc blow horns pissed off that i have slowed down , waiting for a texing driving to rear end me when i slow down can not believe cops do not hit this so much harder

henreitta, Sep 16, 12:05am
interesting reading.So far I have a ambulance driver ,texting while driving { no emergency lights on ,so guess thats one good thing}
Few days later unmarked police car driving on the motorway,doing the same thing
If its good enough for them ! ! !, WTF

tara101, Sep 16, 12:28am

slarty45, Sep 16, 12:33am
eating a hot pie with soggy pastry while wearing shorts and driving ain't pretty
Big Ben Savoury Mince about 20yrs ago

henreitta, Sep 16, 1:02am
Thanks,yes I sent both organisations an e mail,dont look like much will happen, so i guess its alright for everybody else to do it

unbeatabull, Sep 16, 1:13am
I'll be honest. I text and drive. Only in slow/heavy traffic and at traffic lights though. Don't do it on open roads or at risk areas, around schools, roadworks etc.

Never had a crash either or near miss either.

trogedon, Sep 16, 3:15am
Nobody even "needs"to use a cellphone or to text when driving. You wait to you get where you're going then text / talk.

merrilegs, Sep 16, 3:43am
Mmmmm, to those of you who text and drive, wonder how you would feel if for instance, you needed a heart bypass and "nec minnit" in strolls the surgeon, with a scalpel in one hand and a mobile in the other, busily texting away, totally oblivious to the job at hand. Scaaaaaary!

gunhand, Sep 16, 3:46am
Pilots do it all the time it seems.oh, and crash.

trogedon, Sep 16, 5:25am
Good analogy.