Yamaha AG100

t1ny01, Sep 15, 6:28pm
Hi I have a old AG100 I'm try to get going again - The motor runs because if I put a little 2 stroke in the cylinder and but the spark plug back kick it over it runs but unsure of how to plumb the carb back in (I got this bike in bits) can any one help I want to premix the fuel if possible. Thanks

kaymay88, Sep 15, 6:44pm
so what exactly are you struggling to do! no reason you can run it on premix, alot of people do exactly that.

t1ny01, Sep 15, 6:52pm
I want to get the fuel tank and carb all hooked up so it runs just not sure what goes where

kaymay88, Sep 15, 7:01pm
it should be pretty self explanatory, but if you are having issues do a google images search on 'yamaha AG100 exploded view' and you should be able to see,

there should be something like this http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/YAMAHA-RXS100-RXS-100-CARB-CARBURETOR-INLET-RUBBER-/360487343102!pt=UK_Motorcycle_Parts&hash=item53eeb853fe#ht_808wt_1037 that bolts onto the motor, the card slots into the round part, and is secured with a hoseclamp.

as for the tank, there should be on the frame near the headstock (the front of the frame near the forks, look on either side of the frame) two little nodes, or bits that stick out from the frame, these little bits should have a little rubber cover over them. if you look at the underside of the tank you will see how they slot into the tank when you slide the tank onto the frame.

kaymay88, Sep 15, 7:02pm
when looking at the top of the tank you will see a hole that is for a bolt that is used to secure the tank to the frame, should be somewhere near where the tank would meet the seat.

does this help at all!

these are very simple bikes, and if you are having trouble figuring out how it goes together, its possible you are missing a couple of bits and pieces!

t1ny01, Sep 15, 7:06pm
Awesome Thank you I knew if I asked here someone would know.

Appeciate your time

kaymay88, Sep 15, 7:15pm
no problem! let us know how ya get on

t1ny01, Sep 15, 8:05pm
Ok feeling really stupid now! I have carb attached to engine have throttle cable hooked up and works have fuel line from tank to carb and still 3 hose connections left where do they go!


kazbanz, Sep 15, 8:20pm
you will have the oil line from your oil pump for one then theres likely to be a breather pipe. The AG MIGHT have a vac tap.