Cars under $500 Ono

paige-lisa, Oct 5, 9:56pm
Anyone have a car for sale around $500 Ono has to be auto would like to have reg and wof but all considered

mugenb20b, Oct 5, 10:11pm
Everyone's looking for one of those. Gone are the days of $500 cars with wof and reg.

jmma, Oct 5, 10:13pm
Low kms and excellent condition (o:

gmphil, Oct 5, 10:13pm
pmsl i take one too

jason18, Oct 5, 10:13pm
Well they are out there. but they usually have a dodgy wof and they are rooted

curlcrown, Oct 5, 10:15pm
I have. The gear box is stuffed though.

intrade, Oct 5, 10:15pm
you now get only scrap with a wof for 1500 to 2 grand.

plasticboys, Oct 5, 10:17pm
mine lol

franc123, Oct 5, 10:19pm
Good luck with that one is all I can say.

ryanm2, Oct 5, 11:05pm
i only paid $1200 for my subaru lancaster h6. dogy drive shaft but it still drives fine, replacement shaft is $190 plus labour so it aint gonna cost heaps to get fixed either.

the-lada-dude, Oct 5, 11:09pm
there's some makes and models they should be paying ya to take it!

franc123, Oct 5, 11:27pm
What was being said about scrap earlier! I know beggars can't be choosers but good grief Highanddry Lantras and those dreadful 1980's Magnas lol. Just need a Lada Samara and a Toyota Cavalier and we got ourselves a demo derby!

mugenb20b, Oct 6, 1:00am
Ah.damn it! I knew someone was going prove me wrong.

But, yes, I agree with knowing where to look. Certainly not TM, as there's always some muppet who's willing to pay shitloads more than what the car's worth thinking they got a good deal.

wimwom, Oct 6, 1:09am
The cost of listing such things here took away any chance of finding them .

nzeva, Oct 6, 1:17am
Yes used to see them in the old free ad T and E.maybe on Sella these days!

deviant.s, Oct 6, 1:24am
I got a $700 corolla off here. The body is so so but the engine has a hell of a lot of life left.

treachug, Oct 6, 1:32am
Yep, I have a cheapie thats going to be be sold soon, Will be listing it in the next few weeks.but not sooner. Mind you with the cost to do so may be cheaper to just put in the buy-sell & exchange.