Disco 3 Turbo Replacement

zephyrheaven, Oct 4, 1:32am
I heard a rumour this week that a certain dealership has replaced 3 turbo's on the Diesel versions locally
That doesnt sound incredible

Until you hear the body has to come off the chassis for the unit to be replaced

Come on, this has to be a chinese whisper

zooki007, Oct 4, 1:39am
Have heard that they've been having problems. Didn't think that the turbo needed to be replaced though.
I have this item of interest.http://www.disco3.co.uk/gallery/albums/userpics/12459/Turbo_actuator.pdf

maddog007, Oct 4, 3:26am
its the latest disco 4, its a big job, but also not that big. its fiddly unclipping electrics & separating engine & trans, but body lifts off quite simply & is just a different way of getting full access to the engine.
the turbos have a design fault i think, causing some smoke. most will get fixed under warranty during new ownership, so hopefully wont become a massive issue for 2nd hand buyers later on.