Subaru BG5 Turbo Replacement

tootsie9, Sep 29, 2:36pm
Hi all and thanks to all replies.
I have a 95 BG5 with stock RS engine. Primary turbo has spat the dummy i think can spool up but makes horrible noise and then you can hear it winding down. It has vf13 and vf14 turbos BUT was wondering if I was to put vf16 and vf17 would I have to change anything else!

Thanks in advance

tootsie9, Sep 29, 3:55pm

intrade, Sep 29, 6:55pm
well compair the turbos and dont drive it with a busted charger as you dont want parts of the turbo inside the intake.

tootsie9, Sep 29, 7:09pm
Yea I haven't been driving it was just wanting to know if I will need to change anything else. Intake pipes etc coming off to be cleaned when I do turbo's. Thanks for your input

jokerboss, Sep 30, 3:05am
next OEM option was a 18/19 combo, cant be an RS either, pop on over and check the Legacy Section, early (your car) have the extra actuator on the secondary that was dropped in later versions, not to sure on the workaround for that

tootsie9, Sep 30, 4:47am
Its definitely an RS engine as that is what we took it out of and put into the BG5 GT

tootsie9, Sep 30, 2:43pm
I am pretty sure the 16/17 are off 94 legacy

NZTools, Oct 1, 12:04am
94 legacy's are fitted with vf 13/14's.

tootsie9, Oct 2, 3:39am
The guy I purchased from said they were on his 94 legacy GT

tootsie9, Oct 2, 3:39am
Ok so I have put the vf16 in and it seems to whine when revs dropping. Is this normal!

intrade, Oct 2, 3:42am
you mean whistel sortof sound!!v=homiS0Zm5zc
make sure the wastegate opens and closes correctly they do get stuck sometimes , should have checked befor fitting . you can see if it ipens when one revs it in idle hard in short bursts the gate leaver should move open and close, otherwise you will blow the new charger soon.

The wistle in the clip is what it should sound like for a healty charger.

tootsie9, Oct 2, 4:20am
Thanks for that. I did move the wastegate before I put it in was hardish to turn where the actuator arm connects to wastegate. There was no play in the shaft sideways but about 1mm front to back. I can't tell if it sounds the same as that clip coz my intake pipe is connected. vf13 sounded very similar but stuffed out(no sideshaft play but 2mm+ front to back)

tootsie9, Oct 3, 12:02am
Primary seems to be boosting alright just bit worried it doesn't sound right.

tootsie9, Oct 4, 2:05pm
Bump. anybody else!