Need an engine

pedro.b, Sep 29, 8:32pm
Well Bathurst is next weekend guys and I'm hosting the event for the lads this year in my new shed. Problem is I can't find a motor for the annual motorblow. The previous host has been putting one on for the last 10 years but is away this year, I have big boots to fill.

Obviously don't want to spend much and don't care what it is as long as it runs, have tried asking around, adverts on some of the trade-it groups, even some wreakers but can't find a thing unless I want to spend a couple of hundred.

Any ideas where else I could try! There has to be plenty of old rusty cars that still run in peoples paddocks. Cheers all.

clark20, Sep 29, 8:38pm
Try the local council for abandoned cars

daryl14, Sep 29, 8:43pm
fire stations! Polytechs!

pedro.b, Sep 29, 8:47pm
Council is out they go to the scrap man and I have tried them, have tried the fire station. Will try the polytech.

dave653, Sep 30, 4:56pm
Watched an engine blow at the Whangarei closed road drags years ago, it was a rotary on a trailer, everyone was 'encouraged' to stand back. corse no one moved till the thing was fired up, what a noise! Unfortunately it just siezed itself.

pedro.b, Sep 30, 9:13pm
No luck at the polytech either dam it.

Normally pretty good fund but most of them just seize which isn't so exciting. This was one of our better ones,!v=YhRiSPT_oxM just skip to about 8mins

xpfairmont, Sep 30, 9:20pm
I've got a toyota 4pot outside, but I don't think the race is long enough for it to blow.

sifty, Sep 30, 9:20pm
borrow your mum's car.

gmphil, Sep 30, 10:07pm
dam u all way down there may have let u have red top 4.1 fix or repair dailybut got get going first lol

NZTools, Oct 1, 12:01am
A handful of small ballbearings aimed at the carb tend to turn the odds against a heat seizure.

pedro.b, Oct 1, 12:10am
I'd believe that, we had a old toyota do over 20 minutes once. Then started again once it had cooled down lol

car27, Oct 1, 1:01am
we did a 283 out of my impala last xmas it went for 24 minutes until it run out of gas.we did have a hose in the radiator thou .with more gas and no water it ran for another 5 minutes