Best std tyre mini cooper 15

lynkyn, Oct 17, 9:27pm
suggestions. had pirelli on front and ecopia! on rear when purchased. pirelli worn out. best tyre for .2004 cooper .i

socram, Oct 17, 9:31pm
Dunno, but I have a set of four Cooper alloy wheels and almost unworn tyres sitting at the back of the garage!

carmedic, Oct 17, 10:05pm
Are they not run-flats!

socram, Oct 17, 10:56pm
I don't think the Cooper is run flat - the Cooper S certainly is.Happy to be corrected though.Apparently same centres as an MGB so might see if they fit on my old car as that has an MGB rear axle, but is running 15" wheels.

lynkyn, Oct 18, 4:48am
They are standard tyres.I presume changed from new - on purchase! 15 inch mags. (non mini).Suspect the car dealer put the ecopias on rear
or previous owner about time they sold it.
What size are your cooper alloys! and what tyres on them!
Googled and asked about and various answers.Pirelli as on them,
Dunlop Sport 01 comes on some Minis, koyo! rated well overseas posts.

socram, Oct 18, 2:52pm
These are from an original Cooper, as I think the previous owner up-specced. I bought them to use as track only wheels/tyres to preserve my originals, but never got around to using them!They have been in the garage ever since.Sorry, the garage isn't on site here, so I can't supply any other details, but happy to list them for sale if required.Can be collected from north Waikato.Would only sell all 4 together.

lynkyn, Oct 19, 7:23pm
Coopers are run flats - but from overseas postings many people are putting on standard tyres with good results.My car had standard tyres on it; and a 15 alloy.I am just amazed that it is so hard to get good advice on what is the best tyre to put on the car.The tyre retailers just dont know.(Firestone). I will have to make my best choice from overseas ratings - koyo seemed favoured - dunlop sport 01 recommended. Pirellis were on it.Its just an expensive exercise and you want a good result.