What is the hourly rate for mechanics for labour in Dunedin! is it different from city to city!Thanks.
Oct 15, 5:00pm
$70 ish and yes , Auckland up to and over $100
Oct 15, 5:03pm
I think it must be $70 ish because work i had done in Christchurch they charged $70 an hour for just labour as well.I'm in Dunedin now just wanting to see if it was the same down here.Yeah I would have gathered that in Auckland it would more expensive.
Oct 16, 1:13am
I thought the whole country charged about 100 an hour now.south islanders have it cheap!
Oct 16, 1:15am
Central North Island = $60 + GST.
Oct 16, 1:28am
$75 + gst here in Tga
Oct 16, 2:45am
Dunno I do me own
Oct 16, 2:47am
Its good when you can do that.it saves a lot of money!
Oct 16, 4:40am
$60 at Midway motors, $65 at The Turbo Shop two good Dunedin workshops. $110 at Rick Armstrong, $100 at Cook Howlinsons.
Oct 17, 2:52am
Sure does!
Oct 17, 3:27am
Is that non franchise!
I think franchises around 100 mate.
Oct 17, 3:29am
$70.00 inc in invers
Oct 17, 3:31am
You can save even more if you can cut your own hair and do your own dental work. Hell, why stop there! DIY surgery is real easy with instructions off the net these days.
Oct 17, 3:45am
ha haha i must remember these word of truth
Oct 17, 12:09pm
Sure is. I have just changed to "Vehicle Servicing Ltd" over on Aerodrome rd because I know the guy personally. Before that I was with a small workshop on the hill on 2nd ave. Both $75 + gst
Oct 18, 1:49am
I just quit my career as a mechanic as I found it an insult to work for $23 an hour while being charged out to the customer for $115 an hour.Bosses have to realise that they will loose both good staff and customers if they continue to be so greedy.When asking for a pay increase after 3 years with no review, was told that there is a recession and I should be lucky I had a job in these hard times.This is from the guy who put his hourly charge out rate up $15 an hour in less than 12 months to cover his costs during the same "recession"
Oct 18, 1:57am
Thought so. BTW no way was I saying go to a franchise. I use Auto Repair Co in Judea and I think their retail charge out is around that. I pay less of course.
Oct 18, 2:00am
Many years ago when I was mechanicing the rule of thumb was that the mechanic got a third the charge out rate. Another third paid overheads and the final third was the companies profit.
Oct 18, 2:07am
The formula is more like 3.5 now.You have increased compliance costs, much more investment in special tools, diagnostics etc.Basically it just costs way more to run a motor business these days.
Oct 18, 3:33am
Your boss at the time had the ratio between his chargeout rate, and your wage rate, pretty much right. Any if you are getting paid a 3rd of the hourly rate, he isnt going to be making enough money to make the investment required to keep his business growing and up with the times.
Oct 18, 2:31pm
& I have heard that if you're really flexible, you can self service your self
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