Just purchased a Mazda Demio,with auto 4 speed 2008,new shape,turns out after the service my mechanic finds that this a CVT,any one kno about the reliabilty of that brand,I heard the early Nissan spit the dummy ,not happy with that Auction house
Oct 15, 2:07am
get it serviced soonest by good automatic transmission specialist- rebuild place. you dont want anyone tutching it who has not full knowhow about this trans as most use special fluids and who knows what other things have to be knowen adjustment wise etc.
Oct 15, 2:07am
Why are you angry! How come you didn't know it was CVT before you bought it! did you test drive it!
Oct 15, 2:09am
give advanced automatic whangarei a ring he is a good autmatic trans rebuilder he will be able to tell you all about it i would say.
Oct 15, 2:28am
i agree. it should be clearly noted that cars are CVT or "proper" autos. its very hard to find out. as far as i can work out the NZ new ones and jap 4wd have autos and all the 2wd jap ones are CVT
Oct 15, 2:51am
He's not. Constipation problems maybe.
Oct 15, 2:52am
The later CVTs are ok, just get it serviced when it is recommended, by a Mazda dealer. The above comments seem to be made by people who know very little.
Oct 15, 2:52am
it had a ok card and stated it was a 4 speed auto,didnt find out until I got it serviced,ringing the manager of the reputable auction house tomorrow,heaps on net for sale,no mention of CVT.1300 ,Jap only model,seems to be boat load arrived
Oct 15, 2:55am
Its easy to find out drive it if it shifts properly like there are actual ratios its automatic , if it flares and seems to slip chances are its the awful CVT just walk away from the brand completely
Oct 15, 2:55am
Thanks for that advice,will get it serviced
Oct 15, 3:02am
jeez,I will be very carefull in the future,just never heard of Mazda using a cvt,drives real good,but after the horror stories and it did say 4 speed, on the window card,see what happens
Oct 15, 3:38am
Just get it serviced and checked out. Dont listen to all the horror stories. You will get that with anything when people dont look after them. Enjoy your new car. I have had a good and bad experience with it and problem was bad servicing.
Oct 15, 3:58am
The earlier CVTs did have issues but manufacturers have learned from it. I don't think a 2008 Mazda should any have cvt issues due to design flaws. It will only play up if it hasn't been maintained properly or had incorrect oil used.
Oct 15, 4:07am
Remember too, don't just service it once. Find out how often it is supposed to be done and service it every time on time. Its usually absolutely essential that the correct fluid is used with CVT's and change the filter if it has a removable one.
Have a scratch on the net and you should find out the service interval etc without difficulty. The flip side is your car will be much more economical and have more power available for having a CVT. They do fit them for a reason.
Oct 15, 5:09am
I heard every 70 thousand for a CVT.and on the bright side of CVT's craping themselves, I bought a '98 SSS Bluebird 117ks with a rooted CVT a few years back for $500, converted it to Manual and car has now done 160ks.great car as a manual
Oct 15, 11:37am
Savour the goodness from it while it is good & as#2 suggested have it serviced at a transmission specialistmay cost a few hundredfor a TCM scan & flush with correct fluid & a cooler added if hasn't onebut .If it cr@ps out on you down the roadwill cost more.these are one type of box I would personally avoidowning ! the cvt chain/belton its own is about$600 to $1000anything with "M" ! , Ihave had a run with mitsubishi transmissions & GDI engineslately! MazdaI don't see much so maybe a good sign!Keep with a manual trans/axleis wise. A problem auto due to lack of servicewill cost $$$
Oct 15, 5:28pm
will do,thanks heaps for the posative advice
Oct 15, 6:54pm
You have nothing to worry about, CVT transmissions have been in small cars for donkeys years and similar technology has been used in agricultral applications such as combine harvesters etc for longer than you and I have been on this planet. CVT in small cars are very very good now, I feel they are a better transmission in small cars than a regular staged transmission. CVT are now also used in large V6 SUV vehicles too!
Oct 16, 12:02am
We have a Nissan Muzzano at work, 2007 purchased brand new. Gearbox crapped out at 45000km. I believe its a CVT but not totally sure, but Nissan are not keen to honour the warranty and currently is going through the disputes tribunal. ( gear box crapped out nearly 2 years ago)
Oct 16, 12:05am
oh come on Jazz.there is only ONE reason that they fit CVT transimissions these days and that is because they are cheaper to build than normal autos. END OF STORY. if you can shave $500 off the cost of building a car then thats heaps. oh and they love the markup on the gold plated oil at service time too
Oct 16, 12:25am
Nissan NZ or the franchise they bought it from! They have CVT gearboxes and generally tend to be problem free unless it has had the wrong oil used, or it has been towing very heavy loads for long periods etc.
Oct 16, 9:10am
Car has not been used for towing at all. Serviced by the Franchise. The Franchise are saying its Nissan NZ problem and Nissan NZ are not accepting responability.
Oct 16, 11:05am
Cvt in my outlandish is fine. Don't like it but mechanically it is fine
Oct 16, 1:44pm
It's called a Murano, but OK.We look after one here approaching 200k, been faultless since new.
Oct 16, 7:09pm
Yes the CVT in the Mitsubishi Outlander is a fantastic reliable unit and is a proven success for CVT in SUV vehicles.
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