What is the best 14 in tyre around $120

henson, Oct 10, 12:01am
Hasanyone got an opinion on what is the best 14 in tyre around $120!
Any ideas of the better tyre, GT Radial or Supercats. Thanks

intrade, Oct 10, 12:03am
i would not buy anything firestone bridgstone. you cant say best and then say 120$ the best will cost what it costs and i would say a micheline is the best tyre

henson, Oct 10, 12:09am
Micheline! Is that a new name for Michelin. I was only asking what was the best tyre around $120.If i wanted to know the most expensive overall I already know that

bmwnz, Oct 10, 12:12am
Impossible to answer. There is no 'best' for all conditions/cars/driving styles etc. What is your car!
What sort of mileage do you do! What is your driving style! What sort of roads!. you get the pix.

henson, Oct 10, 12:17am
Don;t do much mileage. perhaps 8 thousand a year mostly around town.Just normal driving .

bmwnz, Oct 10, 12:31am
Have you considered this sort of thing!
Listing #: 521477720

vr4_legnum, Oct 10, 2:55am
GT radial hands down. the supercrap is the cheap tyre make by brigdestone . Have had gt radial on my cars before and would again.

mugenb20b, Oct 10, 3:35am
GT Radial 128

poppajn, Oct 10, 1:31pm
I have had a good run out of Supercats. All I need for my running and thet,re lasting really well

kandjaja, Oct 10, 11:21pm
plus one

zak1998, Oct 11, 4:43am

directorylist, Oct 11, 6:07am
Supercats are fine for pottering around town.

tuttyclan, Oct 12, 6:30pm
Plus 2

tuttyclan, Oct 12, 6:31pm
I have Supercats and they are fine for the highway as well as around town.

vr4_legnum, Oct 12, 7:24pm
Well point this way, If you want a cheap crap rubbish overprice tyre then buy the Supercrap or if you want good quality tyre that going handle better and do alot more kms, then buy the GT Radial 128.

intrade, Oct 12, 7:29pm
i was thinking nexen dont look to bad for the price sure better then supercrap ones.

supernova2, Oct 12, 7:32pm
One of our vehicles came with 2 pairs of oddbod aisan tyres.Whilst the tyres are in good nick and are fine around town they feel realy odd on the open road.Its like the front is fighting the back and on a steady radius curve you need to correct the line several times.Its the tyres as I've swopped front to back etc and the feeling changes markedly.We just wearing them out and then will put some mainstream tyres on it.Also many years ago had a corrolla (import) with the skinng jap tyres.At anything over about 70 k it felt like it wanted to fall over.Swopped the tyres to some budget firestone things and totally different.

So what I'm saying is you cant predict what you are going to end up with just by price or brand.I'd agree with the others though something like a Supercat would probably be absolutely fine for you.

rsr72, Oct 12, 7:56pm
#1- Do a wheel alignment at the same time as fitting and balancing.

hatchback, Oct 13, 3:44am
Firestone/Bridgestone make a great tire called Supercat, good alround tire

unbeatabull, Oct 13, 3:45am
Its a very middle of the road tyre. Hard compound, lasts relatively well. No real grip if you decide need anything other then what normal driving requires.

hatchback, Oct 13, 3:55am
Very much so, I have supercats on my Vp Commie work wagon and Bridgstone Taranzas on my Vp Calias play car