Replacing flexi joint in exhaust

timmo1, Oct 24, 6:24pm
The flexi joint in my exhaust has pulled apart slightly causing a leak- It recently passed it's warrant like that (thanks VTNZ ;) but it sounds like a tractor when cold and sometimes there's an exhaust smell in the cabin so I want to get it fixed.

So, is it fairly simple to cut these out and replace it in-situ! (Exhaust is SS and is part of the header assembly, on an NB MX5) I only recently got some other cracks welded in the exhaust headers and don't want to remove it again if poss.

sparkles_bc, Oct 24, 6:38pm
Typically yes, any good muffler shop should be able do replace it without removing your headers

timmo1, Oct 24, 6:51pm
Any idea of cost!

rlr29, Oct 24, 8:14pm
$100 and something for a flexi and $100 max for labour and welding.Its not that expensive as virtually every cars got one.