Hq - how to tell if its got original engine?

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jamiereynolds1, Oct 24, 8:48pm
just wondering is there an engine number which matches to the chassis and how i would find this out. any help appreciated

mr-serious, Oct 24, 9:06pm
jmma will know. Perhaps original ownership papers!

jmma, Oct 24, 10:19pm
Whatsort of HQ and what engine does it have in it at the moment!
And who is mr serious i wonder (o:

splinter67, Oct 24, 10:30pm
been around for a long time for no trades

jmma, Oct 24, 10:31pm
Need numbers from ID plate on firewall, will help as well (o:

jmma, Oct 24, 10:33pm
Appears he knows I have some knowlege of HQ's. Did my time on them, berg did to, I think (o:

jmma, Oct 24, 11:04pm
Worked him out now.
If he spills something, he will LICK IT UP(o:

splinter67, Oct 24, 11:14pm
bugga ya now youve got the old brain working

ghost-roaster, Oct 24, 11:16pm
This will help a little bit. The rego papers should list the engine number that the car came out with.

jamiereynolds1, Oct 25, 4:29am
its a 74 station wagon (kingswood). it has a 202 which is what it come out with. it has a numbers on the head 2811930B28312 L
202 and 6K6 i found on the block. and id plate is 8N35LCZ769733Q. i have a suspicion it isn't the original motor

jmma, Oct 25, 5:17am
Engine number is on the block by the right hand engine mount (o:

ghost-roaster, Oct 25, 12:58pm
The engine number should start with QM by the looks of things.
HQ to HX Low Compression

chebry, Oct 25, 2:41pm
Holden never matched engine and chassiss numbers and most by now would have had at least a short block replaced.

jmma, Oct 25, 3:37pm
Depends on kms, I guess.
OP what are your reasons to thinking it's not original!

dave653, Oct 25, 4:05pm
And QL.

stevexc, Oct 25, 4:59pm
If it's in good working order then it isn't the original engine :P

chebry, Oct 25, 9:22pm
I had a 74 Belmont 202 manual in 81 that had 373,000kms on it ran like a dream of course it had a recond engine 2nd recon actually. 160k is pretty much it for a red 6 and 202s had a bad habit of dropping pistons when new so many got replaced under warranty.

floscey, Oct 25, 9:26pm
top of the piston comes off and rod goes thru side of block (capped the piston). Sold plenty of engine kits back in the 80s .

jmma, Oct 25, 9:52pm
So, what's an engine kit!

chebry, Oct 25, 11:52pm
Pistons bearings gaskets

chebry, Oct 25, 11:56pm
They used to reckon the stretch of freeway between Liverpool and Campbelltown in Sydney was a 202 graveyard first piece of open road after the city wind your Holden up to the speed limit just watch for holes in the block.

ghost-roaster, Oct 26, 5:25am
Pretty sure the L on the head means low compression. so if it has the original motor/head, according to the info QL is a high compression motor.

ghost-roaster, Oct 26, 5:25am
Pretty sure the L on the head means low compression. so if it has the original motor/head, according to the info QL is a high compression motor.The head numbers are here.

johnf_456, Oct 26, 5:37am

mr-serious, Oct 26, 6:15am
Yep. Years ago I had an old green A40. What a car.