Should there be a second red light at the lights?

msj23, Oct 27, 4:19pm
The second one could be the actual red light cos the first red light seems to stop no one these days. Maybe its just christchurch but everyone here seems to think turning through reds is fine. I hate it when the lights flick green and you start moving only to have to stop cos some f*ckwit is still turning 2-3 seconds after the lights went red!

I say fit a device to cars so that if you run reds all your tyres explode and everyone can laugh at you as you are stranded in the middle of the road

splinter67, Oct 27, 4:24pm
Not only chch its here in Hawkes bay too

skin1235, Oct 27, 4:36pm
for purely safety reasons why don't they install camera's on every set of lights - pop a red and the letter is on it's way - the one that says do it twice in a month and you hand your license in for a two month suspension, or is that too hard - if they're worried about cost they could ping you a couple each time too - insurance companies would hate it though, 40% of the reason for premiums would disappear, eventually the clients would want a reduced premium

mechnificent, Oct 27, 4:37pm
What about having arms that come down!

loose.unit8, Oct 27, 4:48pm
Running red lights certainly seems to be people's response to the increased amount of traffic since the quakes

msj23, Oct 27, 4:49pm
Not a bad idea

msj23, Oct 27, 4:50pm
What about a swat sniper monkeying up every set of lights with a bb gun to ping pot shots at your car if you run reds

pollymay, Oct 27, 4:51pm
People jam on the picks and lock up to avoid even orange lights then and you get people hitting from behind. There is no 100% to fix stupid except to drive a bighorn with railway irons on the front.

fryan1962, Oct 27, 5:00pm
what is a red lights where I am (not akl) I think it may be 30klms away

johnf_456, Oct 27, 5:05pm
Well in Auckland police are known to target orange and red lights its easier to plain not attract attention.

skin1235, Oct 27, 5:09pm
lol, so the insurance companies would be in full favour of it them !

pollymay, Oct 27, 6:16pm
All questions answered here, pollymay guide to driving

msj23, Oct 27, 6:17pm
Wow - the dude had the guts to mop the floor with SIX cars.Thats ballsy