They have it listed on trademe and its in the buy sell.Is there anywhere else that it could be listed!
Nov 9, 1:28am
Just as well as the helpful advice you gave
Nov 9, 1:35am
i must have missed it as i was in the buy/sell section earlier looking for a NEK MINNIT,,,,,
Nov 9, 1:39am
OMG I am just asking for some help here.
They are not up with advertsing cars etc so just trying to give them a hand and help them sell it.Last time they sold a car the best thing to do was park it on a main road with a sign.
Nov 9, 1:41am
Depends what it is.
Nov 9, 1:47am
As I have said above I have it listed it on trademe under their own trademe account.So trademe have been given ther $30-$40 that they ask for to list a car.Then stated I had put it in the local buy sell and exchange.
I was generally asking if there is another type of motoring type for paper/mag/websites that we could put it on.
- Aimee
Nov 10, 1:14am
if you have a local place that people put their cars for sale on saturday and sunday is good but all week in the day is good. Put all the details and a price [ price in big numbers so you can see it passing by] Make sure its a good price too, dont be the seller that sees their old car as a minta because its lasted them well for 10 years no problems, that just means that the next owner is gonna get all the catch-up fix-its. Be realistic and it will sell, make sure its got a current wof and reg, not just a promise.
Feb 15, 6:57am
Side of the road with the price in big writing is still best I think.
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