"multi vehicle" auto trans oils

franc123, Nov 3, 4:56pm
Anyone had any experience with these! I see both Nulon and Castrol have them on the market now, they are intended to cover both the Dexron 2D/3 and the TQ95 spec needed for Honda/Mitsi/Falcon 4 speed transmissions, that you couldn't use the dexron type fluids in. Wondering if these improve shift quality in those that need dexron fluids and maintain shift quality in those that need TQ fluids! if you are like me and have vehicles that need both, it looks like a convenient solution for their oil needs and is cheaper than straight TQ. Any experience!

saki, Nov 3, 5:06pm
Not with those oils but Amsoil auto trans fluid has been multi trans from when I used it in the 90s so nothing new.