Cost to service a DSG transmission?

haventrader, Nov 3, 11:07pm
Does anyone know costs to service a DSG transmission! Any faults to watch out for on a Golf GTi '06 model! Cheers

r15, Nov 3, 11:09pm
if by service you mean fix - then thousands from most reports

haventrader, Nov 3, 11:10pm
No, just a service. Cheers

intrade, Nov 4, 12:24am
they need special tools to change fluid here a site to look at they got tools but its rental usa you also have to have vag diagnostic i would say to mesure the transmission temperature , thats how its done on old automatic that one is a manual gearbox with robot shifting the dsg!prod=F2A1015-D&cat=353
if you cant do it your self you probably need giltrap dont take a vw to cowboys who only charge they do exist in auckland also with big flash outfit.

luke041, Nov 4, 1:44am
Around $350 incl filter.

divermark, Nov 5, 12:33am
Father in-laws Jetta TDi with DSG cost $1000 for gearbox fluid change, at around 70,000K's I think.

nzdoug, Nov 5, 1:56am
I think its part of a 60k service, its an expensive one as it changes lots of precious fluids, and probably a couple of tires
$5-700 for 2tires, $1500 for therest.
120k service add timing belt$1000 ish +above.
Keeps it like new!

likovi, Nov 5, 2:02am
Dammit. thats expensive for Jettas. Divermark, what year is your father-in-law Jetta!

nzdoug, Nov 5, 2:07am
Thats all the juices,filters, full bill of health.
Annuals, or every 15,000k. Half.