I would be quite happy with that too as I pointed out. However it must be a GUARANTEE that its going to be waived as if its left up to the Police you will have inconsistencies and unfairness.
BTW, if you can still find it you may find reading the Polices own "road policing guidelines" very interesting. Each year they remove more and more fair practicies, things like not setting a speedtrap in the middle of a passing lane etc
You should quickly get the idea why its not a good idea to leave Police with discretion they can then dispense with.
Nov 11, 2:26pm
I guess the difference is I'll worry about it when it becomes an issue. Others choose to worry about what might become an issue for them. Never seen the point in that.
DO I think some of the enforcement priority setting and practices are screwed up! Absolutely. DO I see any point bleating on about it on a message board like a kid who dropped his ice cream! Nope.
Nov 11, 4:28pm
just fix the headlight and write in with an explanation,there is a good chance you'll get let off, unless you nutted off at the cop at the time,how you conduct yourself when you're pulled up,for what is after all a legitimate offence,is of paramount importance.
Nov 11, 6:08pm
Im sure it was only a compliance fine that op or whoever would have got. you get 28 days to fix, take in and get waived. not too hard is it, just because you have a wof sticker doesn't mean you're vehicle is up to standard - you have a legal obligation to maintain to wof standard
Nov 11, 6:40pm
I still carry a couple of spares in my glove box, fuses too, just in case.
Nov 11, 7:51pm
good job now stop blubbering and get it fixed
Nov 11, 10:11pm
So you think it's OK to drive a car with defective lamps!
Nov 11, 11:43pm
So you think it's OK! Forget the bike bit how about 50% reduction in the drivers ability to see! Or in the case of no stop lamps that's OK too!
Nov 12, 12:02am
Here we go again. the law and fines for not complying with the law is set by the government, not the police. Police have a sworn duty to uphold it. If you don't like the law, then blame the people who wrote it. Carpenter, have you tried writing to the police infringement bureau! If you send them a copy of a receipt for a replacement bulb, or get it fixed then pop into the local station to have it checked and then include the details of the officer who checked it, you will most likely get the ION waived.
Its important that cars are safe on the road and it's the police's job to enforce this. Driving around with a broken headlight at night isn't a big deal, but neither should it be ignored.
Thejazzpianoma - you talk about 'fair practice' guidelines being removed from the police best practice manual over the last few years, it's worth noting that road deaths are also at a record low (http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/- news/article.cfm!c_id=1&ob- jectid=10764864). Tougher enforcement is not the only factor in this lower road toll but it's worth thinking about.
I'm all for a better police service in NZ, and most of the people on these message boards offer constructive criticism. There are also those who jump at the chance to 'have a go' at police while offering nothing to the discussion.
Nov 12, 12:03am
I could say so much here, for & against. Who cares if the cars got a warrant, that only says it complied when it went for the warrant. If the car drives out & the light blows before the car gets to the road, its still blown.
Nov 12, 12:04am
I'm thinking about the person that steps off the footpath into the front of your car at night time, "because there was only one light so I thought it was a bike"
Nov 12, 12:05am
Very true.
Nov 12, 12:08am
I have noticed a few blown numberplate lights here, no other lights blown though. I think the maintenance done on Police cars is pretty rubbish actually, budget stuff I guess. Rather be out catching real crims.
Nov 12, 2:03am
yea sure did. Got pulled up on dickson road papamoa, went to papamoa police station the next day. still have the fine in my filing cabinet (have kept all of them)
Nov 12, 2:12am
your comment about bikes is what your getting called on
as in your making it sound like a typical arrogant cage driving ahole that needs a severe beating should he ever bring harm to one
tell us again how many deaths the decreased speed tolerance "saved" this labour weekend !
Nov 12, 2:54am
you and I should meet, my V8 against yours, and all lights working of course!
Nov 12, 3:04am
Thanks - I will help 'young Bob' who can't write English write up a letter proving he did not know the light had gone out - he could not have known due to the fact that he was blind.He now has had it fixed.Hope he gets let off.
Law says .is not in breach . if the operator proves that . the operator did not know.Challenging.
Maybe a quote from the Bible along the lines of 'had eyes but could not see' or words to that effect.
Nov 12, 3:13am
What got the policeman wound up! Well it might have been that they were all driving home from Bible study - and the driver directed the policeman's attention to the Bibles on the seats, and then policeman asked 'Bob' about his past involvement with police and Bob said (gulp) 'well nothing officer' (lied to look good in front of Christian mates). Policeman found truth and was not impressed so wrote up the ticket.Maybe there is a lesson in there.
Nov 12, 3:27am
I am glad I am sick of seeing cars poorly maintained depending on which head light it can be dangerous,
The guy that said he fixed it when he got around to it that just sucks if you don't have $15 don't drive seriously
Nov 12, 3:28am
We're talking about a ticket for a broken headlight. The beauty of these message boards is that everyone can express an opinion, even a sarcastic passive-aggressive opinion like yours.
Nov 12, 8:30am
I'm going to drive around with one headlight and cleanse the gene pool. Sound good!
Sweet then, see some of you tomorrow night then
Nov 12, 12:50pm
when your an apprentice on 9bucks an hour and a replacement sealed beam is $60 and you need a pair because the one that works is old and dim as hell it becomes a matter of 'i'll just drive in the daytime til i can afford it.' or is that not pc enough for you
Nov 12, 2:00pm
cop car tail lights are always out should be able to give them a ticket
Nov 12, 4:28pm
There, fixed that for ya' ;)
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