Engine mounts - Daihatsu Sirion

campbellluke, Nov 27, 2:52pm

I'm in Australia for a while and have bought a bunky (cheap car). 1999 Sirion with 150,000 kilometres. Mechanically it is OK apart from lacking a clamp for a hose which is connected to the radiator - an easy fix for me.

However, through all the forward gears I notice that if I change and accelerate rapidly (for a 1 litre car) you feel and hear strain at the front. I see that the rear engine mount (the one in the direction of the VIN plate) is completely shot! - So, I thought that this would be an easy case of ordering a set of engine mounts and employing a mechanic to sort this.

But! The cheapest I have found for a set of Sirion engine mounts is $540AUD. Would anybody have any suggestions of how I could save a little money here! The engine doesn't appear to "move" when braking or using reverse gear but, I think that it is probably good practice to replace all of the mounts at once. - By hand you can "shake" the engine in all directions too easily in my opinion.

I see that other models for example, old Ford Lasers can have all mounts purchased for slightly over $100 so, Daihatsu appears to be a rip off.

Does anyone have any suggestions! I hope that I have explained enough. I will try a Toyota dealership later on today and see if they can quote me but I'm sure that it won't be cheap either.


the-lada-dude, Nov 27, 3:31pm
sounds v similar problem to daihatsu pyzar . look in the yellow pages for engine mount specialist, steering and suspension, shock absorber, etc sometimes these fellas carry this stuff or will know who does.just do the one mount that looks stuffed. then onto the next one if necessary. you may have to do the mount at the front by the radiator as well

campbellluke, Nov 27, 4:55pm
Yes. That is the model I'm looking at. Same as the Toyota Duet! That is good news to me then. I'm in Western Australia for a few months so, I will have to have a word with the local Toyota in a few hours.

Daihatsu isn't sold in Australia anymore so I was nervous about Toyota being reluctant to give me part but if it is the same as a Duet then my chances improve a lot I think. - Thanks

campbellluke, Nov 27, 4:55pm
Yes. That is the model I'm looking at. Same as the Toyota Duet! That is good news to me then. I'm in Western Australia for a few months so, I will have to have a word with the local Toyota in a few hours.

Daihatsu isn't sold in Australia anymore so I was nervous about Toyota being reluctant to give me part but if it is the same as a Duet then my chances improve a lot I think. - Thanks

Edit: I see that mountshop ship internationally. They wouldn't pick up their phone so, I've left them a message and also send them an enquiry on their website. - Thanks.

campbellluke, Nov 28, 6:11am
Ok. I'm just replying at this stage for reference.

From Toyota quoting it works out to be high $300s with all three mount with the rear mount being the most expensive at just over $180. So, this is a good improvement of over $140 but still expensive for chunks of rubber and bolts.

Mountshop want me to measure the dimensions of the front mount so that they know that part number for certain and can then quote me for all of them. This is the mount beside the radiator - with the old one fitted and without a vernier it may be difficult to measure this. It is either one of two parts, one with a greater dimension of 73mm rather than 63mm (parts 37A087 or 37A090 on mountshop.co.nz). Toyota said that they didn't have the dimensions of this in their catalog which is a shame.

Maybe I can get the correct front mount from Toyota for approx $90 AUD and order the other two from Mountshop if they are a good price but, hopefully I can work out a way to measure my old front mount accurately.

Thanks for your help earlier on.

snoopy221, Nov 28, 6:25am
Just quietly here- it is very common to see substandard mounts used from factory.
In many situations quietly any decent mechanical engineer can generaly take a more susbtantial mount from a *donor* and cut the outside ring and open up and fit a better mount and immerse it in water and mig weld the outside ring-if an exact match can't be found and pressed in.
Some genuine replacement mounts are stronger- however one is paying for a part that is bolt in.
Hence places like the mount shop can change the gap between *high dollar retail*
and *affordable-budget*

rpvr, Nov 28, 3:20pm
How keen are you at playing around with DIY repairs! You can virtually rebuild damaged mounts with polyurethane sealant but need to get the old mount out first, then allow a couple of days to cure.


I did a rear mount on a Nissan Wingroad and was still functional a couple of years later when I traded the car. I used Selleys Pro Series polyurethane adhesive + sealant, which was from memory only about 20 bucks for a cartridge. There are more expensive brands which MAY be better quality.

campbellluke, Nov 29, 12:33am
Not too keen I just wanted slightly better pricing. I have bought all 3 mounts from Toyota at $357 AUD and mountshop.co.nz couldn't supply them that cheaply - they were very helpful through e-mail though and I'm just about to e-mail them to say thanks. Toyota had actually misquoted me on the phone to my advantage. The rear mount is slightly over $200 AUD the L.H.S mount is only approximately $20 AUD so the front mount is slightly over $130.

Thanks everyone for the help/opinions. I should have the parts by next weekend so I can get it sorted and I won't have to accelerate slowly between gear changes anymore!

trade4us2, Nov 29, 11:30pm
I just carve up a big block of rubber and slip it into the metal surround. Costs almost nothing.