Need to find wrecker CHCH

hanne4, Nov 27, 3:11pm
I sold my car to wreckers, over a yr ago, didn't get receipt.Emailded NZTA to say had gone to wreckers. Never heard any more till recently NZTA wanting $279 in back fees.Unless I can find wrecker to give me a receipt saying he got my car they can't review this.With all thats been going on here in CHCH I don't even know if he's still around I can't rememberweather I put ad in paper or I answered his ad,It wasa white Nissan Bluebird MS8592 from Marshlands Road,.(he took several other wreckes,Vans we hadare you or do you know wrecker please answer thru my car ad. or how can I sort this,any help appreciatedTHanks

intrade, Nov 27, 3:14pm
ring them and tell em you bring the story on national tv if they wish.

dr.doolittle, Nov 27, 3:17pm
That should make for exciting TV.

Why would they want "back fees"!
I thought if your rego expired that was it. Is someone trying to register it again!

beast9, Nov 27, 3:27pm
you should have handed the plates in as if you dont register or put the plates on hold you get lumbered with any outstanding fees for those plates or you should have got him to put the vehicle in his name before removing it

motorboy2011, Nov 27, 3:29pm
Back fees cover the year or so it was technically still registered after the reg date had expired.

splinter67, Nov 27, 4:22pm
I feel for you at least they didn't get $2500 worth of fines in it because you'd be paying for them as well I speak form experiencehope you've learned your lesson it doesn't leave until the papers are changed