this is a EB II!350,000 k , dark green / chrome aerial.anyway, is misfiring at idle # 1 cyldoesn't sound like a valve, not a plug, or leads or dizzy, i,'m down to air leak at mani, or fuel injector.what a nightmare to work on !anybody had good / rotten experience with additives
Nov 27, 5:18pm
Can you check the injector pulse with a test light! If that's OK, rip it out and start the engine, see if it's actually spraying.
Nov 27, 5:34pm
'96 ef.
Nov 27, 5:47pm
96 EF. I had had a coil pack on the one I had! If it's a vacuum leak could be ventilation controls, Split vacuum line. Vacuum line come off advance module on firewall. If a 92 EB, well could be some of the above
Nov 27, 5:49pm
Checked the codes yet!
Nov 27, 6:12pm
Yes but I dont want to admit it used some vht stuff on a sub after it ran out of gas made a huge difference its worth a try
Nov 27, 6:40pm
NO, don't be stupid, that's too easy,+ no eng man light on ( I suppose that does't mean there is an error code though ) misfire diminishes as you give it more rpm. well if iI have to pull an inj, you can come and help mugeb20blol ta splinter67 I'd rather give that VHT ago than mess around with the piggy thing
Nov 27, 8:54pm
hell if it dont work its only cost ya less than $20 let us know how you get on
Nov 28, 2:35am
I used some wynns stuff through the fuel system on my daughters 2003 Barina that would miss fire randomly on cylinders 1 through to 4 on a regular basis. Last OBDII reading said multiple missfire. Car has only done 20,000km by previous grandma driver. Obviously grandma did not drive it much and when she did it was only a short drive. Mechanic suspected gummed up valves and suggested using a cleaner. Pretty sure it was just Wynns fuel system cleaner and for 3 weeks now it has run without any faults registering or engine light coming on. Best $18 ever spent compared to a new coilpack at around NZ$250 ex UK or $1000 ex repco
Nov 28, 2:40am
EF Uses coil packs, not a dizzy. Common fault on them. Can test High and low tension sides. Usually will find one of the low side circuits with a different resistance rating to the other two. (3x circuits, uses a wasted spark setup so is 3xcoils in the coil pack.)
Otherwise intake manifold gasket is common to leak. Get a decent brakeclean product (Not CRC! Wynns is best) and soak around where it bolts onto the head.
Also clean out all the PCV, Throttle Body, IACV, reset base idle, check TMAP Sensor & vacuum lines etc. Haven't seen an injector fail yet on one of them, very highly doubt it is a fuel issue - it would show on the plug as rich/lean if it was and you've said you've checked them. If not, check the plug gap and HT Lead resistances, also check for signs of spark tracking down the side of the plugs.
Nov 28, 1:18pm
it has a dizzy so it would be an EF !nuttin wrong spark/plug wise,I'm guessing it's a vacuum leak , or a partially blocked injector. #1 cylmakes no effort till you bring rpm up, runs ok at cruise. I'll try spraying around intake gasket while running and see what happens, then if no good will try injec cleaner, if no good i'll hand car back to owner and bill him for wasting my time !
Nov 28, 10:59pm
If Dizzy it will be an EL or ED. EF switched to the coilpacks but they were problematic so went back to dizzy on EL before re introducing them on AU.
The dizzy's do give trouble too - your usual, check the caps, rotor, etc etc.
I'd put money on it being either an ignition, compression or vacuum issue - l've seen them come through work with fuel tanks filled up with sugar (long story short, someone was cheating on their wife - sugar mixed with fuel = gummy stuff) and ran it till it died, injectors still worked good as gold.
Was there any tracking/tracing on the plugs! A thin hairline down the side of them - often overlooked and catches quite a few people out.
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