Looking for a Mechanic in Hawkes Bay

cmarley, Nov 28, 2:24am
Hi, If you are a mechanic and live in Hawkes Bay please get in touch as I have a few perkys for you

kiwirod, Nov 28, 4:21am
Sure, I'm come round to your house and scrape my knuckles (no pun) all over your dirtyengine for $10 bucks an hour and a slab of something nasty .lol.

splinter67, Nov 28, 11:19am
Try carmedic its in the phone book

llortmt, Nov 28, 12:11pm
LOL I doubt he'll be getting involved in 'perkys'.

splinter67, Nov 28, 12:54pm
If you pay him cash he will do the job op just wants it for cheap carmedic has good rates so I hear

carmedic, Nov 28, 2:36pm
I'm pretty sure I know him better than you!

splinter67, Nov 28, 2:40pm
Well I hope so Ive never meet you heard good things though and I have enough mechanical work of my own to do