They charged when I got one but havent had one for agesIm not a clown who goes speeding past speedcameras if ya get pinged by a speed camera you deserve a ticket they should be handing out demerit points with your fine
Dec 5, 12:54pm
It really was years ago, only a few after they started so maybe yours was early on. Basically the verdict was they were charging to provide you with information held about you, which is a no-no. Would be the same as trying to charge for an OIA request.
Dec 5, 1:09pm
I have contacted police asking where the camera was that got me as I look at the infamous one regularly to see if our ONE camera is fitted in it. (Rotorua only has ONE camera which is shared between our 3 fixed camera structures). The orange lense is clearly visible in the r/hand hole. This camera is 75% used in Sunset Road outside the nippers school. I suspect there was an 'innocent' looking vehicle near Girls High with camera in back window. Good catch for the boys in blue - not wingeing - just wanted to clear up the 'tolerance' levels which I think have been covered by hamhonda in #67
Dec 5, 1:31pm
I usually have, literally, a hundred plus tabs of all sorts of things open across 4 separate browser windows. Sometimes mistakes occur.
Dec 5, 2:24pm
It was back in the 90s speed cameras where new my boss got the photo and glued it to the panel next to the stereo in the truck it worked though haven't been caught by a speed camera since and he made me pay for the photo as well(insert bad word here)
Dec 5, 7:08pm
Sorry but hamhonda is not correct.It is not a percentage of the posted speed or of the number of infringers.It is as I described in my posts.
Dec 8, 1:32pm
Not a entirely accurate comment . Yes it is 100% at officers discretion as to whether he will ticket you for anything over the speed limit . The reality is most cops use common sense & will ignore you if less than 110 on open road although they will often give the roof lights a quick flash if youre creeping towards 110 to say " hey i saw you . slow down "
Dec 8, 3:27pm
simple message for you. SLOW UP
Dec 9, 3:53am
A simple message for you. Baaaa baaaa.
Dec 9, 3:56am
4km/hr over = Nanny state. 10+km/hr over = fair enough. I'd rather watch the road than sit there gawking at my dash every second.
Dec 9, 3:58am
It can be quite a chore in a car that's gutless @100km/h, and many newer ones are, just trying to keep a steady speed.
Dec 9, 4:16am
I agree.4km/hr through school zones is fair enough though. It's easy enough to monitor it for a short distance, but to constantly keep your car within 4km/hr of the speed limit can be quite hard, especially on a gradient. Also because we live in a country made up of mostly crap 2-lane highways. When you're passing a truck and trailer unit and there is limited space to do it, of course you're going to speed a little. It's more dangerous to linger in the oncoming traffic lane.
Dec 10, 10:20pm
They flash you because you are in a convoy of cars and they are reading a speed over 110kph.But they can't tell which car is speeding so they flash you instead of a ticket.
Dec 10, 10:48pm
i only had one years ago for doing 116kph alegadly on motorway north shore. i drive in 50k zones 48 to 52 kph max. at all times
Dec 10, 11:06pm
Ive been flashed once or twice when ive been the only car on the road . I just smile & wave back to say " thanks for giving me a break " . And yes the latest laser units they use can tell which car it is in a line of cars
Dec 14, 7:42pm
barrie2 wrote: I suspect there was an 'innocent' looking vehicle near Girls High with camera in back window.] Sorry to resurrect my thread but got letter today stating they had a 'camera car' outside Rotorua Girls High from 8.02am to 8.59am. 573 vehicles passed by - 18 of them got fined. A tolerance outside school stated to be 4k's over - "but this should not be construed as a licence to exceed speed limit". My fault - even an old fart still can learn summat.!
Dec 15, 12:12am
Remember whatever they tell you the tolerance is is PURE LIES.
Police Radar is not even accurate to 3km/h, so when they say the tollerance is 4km/h its actually NO TOLERANCE AT ALL.
If a private company tried out this sort of nonsense they would be done big time under the fair trading act. However because its the Police blatant lies are to be encouraged.
Dec 15, 6:15pm
All police radars are accurate. Speedo of vehicle must be within + or - 3%. The speedo is a check system for the ground speed being detected by the unit.Jazzpants if you are going to bleat please research what you are bleating about
Dec 15, 7:23pm
What do you mean by "accurate"! No manufacturer claims a 100% accurate result at all measured speeds. An Australian Police document says "Members must take into account the accepted accuracy of police radar when issuing traffic infringement notices. The accuracy tolerance is 1 kilometre per hour in stationary mode and 2 kilometres per hour in mobile mode (Australian Standard AS 2898-2003)."
Dec 16, 4:15am
aren't there some gps that say when coming up to speed cameras!
Dec 16, 12:13pm
Welcome back Jazz.Knew this thread would get you motivated!Remember I suggested you should look at marketing your idea re the accuracy of speed cameras and that we could assist with that!(You chose to demur)Well, in preparation for you possibly doing so, we did a large amount of research into the subject.Sorry to tell you but our informed reaction is to say you are entirely wrong regarding your claims of inaccuracy, and you are also using somewhat contorted logic in your application of it to actual vehicle speeds. Never mind, eh!BY the way, in terms of private companies and claims etc read what some radar detector manufacturers, producers and retailers say about their products.Whew.!If you believed them you could drive around making money from what they say they can do!Cheers!
Dec 16, 1:28pm
Thanks for going to all that trouble gedo1,
So the two articles I read regarding the accuracy were wrong! (both said 3km/h + or - or just over for Police radar, more accurate for speed camera's might have been +/- 1km/h for those).
Did you come up with an actual figure they are accurate to!
Interesting stuff. Thanks again for going to the trouble of researching that.
Dec 16, 1:28pm
Thanks for going to all that trouble gedo1,
So the two articles I read regarding the accuracy were wrong! (both said 3km/h + or - or just over for Police radar, more accurate for speed camera's might have been +/- 1km/h for those).
Did you come up with an actual figure they are accurate to!
Or was it a case of the Police already supposedly taking the accuracy into account and calibrating to 3km/h slower than the actual reading with radar (which would be great and very fair of them if they did).
Interesting stuff. Thanks again for going to the trouble of researching that.
Dec 16, 1:54pm
Isn't it good we don't use australian speed detection equipment then. Accuracy depends on how you use the device. Look it up. But then again under your logic if you are doing 105 - 3% means you are still speeding bad police.or am the only one that speed LIMIT means that is the fastest you can go. Funny how only about plus or minus 3% of the population complain that the speed detected was different than what they were doing. Most have no idea what speed they were doing,,,,,,,but you argue they were watching the road ahead not there speedo.yet they missed the high visibility patrol vehicle coming straight at them lol
Dec 16, 3:17pm
HI jazz ??
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