Is speed camera tolerance 4kph ALL the time?

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barrie2, Dec 4, 3:41pm
A couple of points of interest, teller in the Westpac branch where I paid up said there were lots of these fines being paid as it was now ZERO tolerance ALL the time. (I did not pursue that remark as there was a long queue and she was female). Yes. I am preparing myself for the onslaught! Secondly since the fine I have stuck to 50kph on my 1990 L200 speedo, and boy are there some irate buggars up close behind. Seems I cannot win these days.

bellky, Dec 4, 3:43pm
Come on man - children are unpredictable; chasing balls or whatever.

Tell me, how would you like to run over a child!

I can say I would hate it, can't think of anything worse. When I go past a school I always obey the speed limit and if there is any sign of activity I slow right down. I can imagine a kid shooting out from behind a parked car not looking or whatever, and I know I need to be going very slow to stop in time.

Safety first.

splinter67, Dec 4, 3:43pm
Get or borrow a gps that will tell you what speed your doing

poppajn, Dec 4, 4:35pm
Agreed, I,ve done the same.,

meathead_timaru, Dec 4, 4:47pm
Speedometers read over, which is heavy, not light, from the factory.

meathead_timaru, Dec 4, 4:48pm
It is.

meathead_timaru, Dec 4, 4:49pm
Probably because it hasn't been true for many years.

splinter67, Dec 4, 4:51pm
When did it change meathead you seem to know a lot about this are you a copper

shadow60, Dec 4, 4:53pm
Light from actual speed.

bellky, Dec 4, 4:54pm
Yeah that was the introductory special where only the 'speeders' got busted, then there was a 10km p/hr tolerance, and now it's 4, like I said; revenue gathering much!

Exactly the same thing will happen with the number plate recognition system.

bellky, Dec 4, 4:57pm
No, it's READING 10 percent HEAVY.

tazcsv, Dec 4, 5:29pm
Ok no1 who the hell said i was ticketed outside of a school!
no2 this thread has nothing to do with kids and school so how about you and your brother have a go at someone else for something they havent done, muppets.

meathead_timaru, Dec 4, 5:29pm
So if you're weighing something the reading is higher when it's lighter!

Reading high could only be described as heavy. Of course, you could simply stop using ambiguous terms and just say they read high.

meathead_timaru, Dec 4, 5:30pm
They tried to charge for it in the early days. But being evidence they have to give it to the accused at no charge.

meathead_timaru, Dec 4, 5:41pm
I'm such a nice chap that I've even gone and found it for you:
Now, can admit you were wrong!

hamhonda, Dec 4, 7:11pm
may have already been stated but isn't the tolerance not 10kms but 10% of the posted speed limit, which would make getting a ticket for doing 55 in a 50 correct (sorry, only skimmed the thread & haven't read it all)

meathead_timaru, Dec 4, 7:34pm
LOL how did THAT get in here! Too many tabs open at once, I suspect!

therafter1, Dec 4, 8:23pm
Lol .that's why I always make sure I'm only working in one tab at a time as a 'rule'. I wondered what the hell you were waffling about when I saw the post.

zetec, Dec 5, 12:41am
The police publicity machine was in full swing before Labour weekend about their 5 km/h tolerance, road deaths were 7 over Labour weekend, the police had very little to say about their speed camera reduced tolerance after the weekend, they blamed other factors than speed for the deaths. That could well be correct, as borne out by recent research in South Australia, by the SA government, that found only 6.4% of fatal crashes were caused by excessive speed, and their speed limit is 110. So why do the NZ Police continue their myopic focus on speed cameras! They have welched on their commitments when they introduced them, like clear signs warning of speed camera zones that did deter speeding. Why! What else can it be than the cost/benfit business case they have used to obtain funding for the cameras. They don't need as many police on the roads, they can have pensioners sitting in camera vans at the roadside. Cameras are cost effective for police and more than pay their way, but their contribution to road safety is highly questionable, more cops in cars and on motorbikes actually policing bad road behaviour would do far more for safety, but the policing costs would be higher.

johnf_456, Dec 5, 12:42am
But we all know they don't exactly listen all the time and not to mention there growing brain.

supernova2, Dec 5, 2:23am
Yep - most totally incapable of learning anything

supernova2, Dec 5, 2:32am
My understanding is that those speed indicators are not accurate and the official line is they are not enforcement devices so therefore no need to be accurate.Best solution is to ask a friendly plod if he will speed check you as you think you have a speedo problem, other option is a good gps on a straight flat road.

gedo1, Dec 5, 9:49am
Oh really!Tell us how much it is to get a photo then. okay!

gedo1, Dec 5, 9:55am
Speed camera tolerance.Outside long weekends and holidays etc tolerance is (for cars, motorcycles, light trucks etc and and light vehicles without trailers) 10km/h. Trucks, busesand other heavy vehicles (above 3500kg GVM) and vehicles with light trailers etc (all of which are limited to 90 km/h in a 100km/h area) the tolerance is 5km/h at all times. Exception is during certain school times in school zones etc when tolerance is 5km/h for all vehicles. Long weekends and holidays and other specified times tolerance is 5km/h for all vehicles. So doing 111 km/h in a 100km/h area in a light vehicle is a catch for the camera; and 61km/h in a 50km/h area is as well.Doing 96 km/h and 56 km/h in those areas in a "heavy" vehicle or with a trailer is a catch.By the way, tolerance applicable when a police patrol car is the one "catching" is zero!

gedo1, Dec 5, 10:09am
Photos are free and you don't have to be "a copper" to know that. Hi yo Silver.