Is speed camera tolerance 4kph ALL the time?

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barrie2, Dec 4, 1:21am
Just got my 2nd traffic offence fine in 50 years driving, (been lucky I suppose)! It is a fine of $30 for doing 55kph in a 50kph area, 21/11/12. It is from the 3rd highest earning camera in the country - Old Taupo Road, Hillcrest, Rotorua.

jmma, Dec 4, 1:27am
Wait for it (o:

tazcsv, Dec 4, 1:30am
Iv had x 5 now for 55kph in the last 2 yrs so my guess would be yes.

splinter67, Dec 4, 1:30am
This should be a good one lol

bellky, Dec 4, 1:30am
Revenue gathering much.

theram1, Dec 4, 1:58am
If you watch the speed gauge thing then they can't revenue gather .

splinter67, Dec 4, 2:04am
You need to remember where they are only had 1 speedcamera ticket since they where introduced and that was in the 90s by lake karapiro he was hiding behind a tree

zak1998, Dec 4, 2:07am
Think watching the road in a 50 zone is better and more safe

curlcrown, Dec 4, 2:16am
No, but you might crash for lokking at the speedo to much and not at the road enough. Funnily enough there is no fine for crashing.

theram1, Dec 4, 2:21am
Well I haven't crashed and no speeding tickets in 27 years. You only have to look for a split second not stare.

m16d, Dec 4, 2:25am
School zone.was it!

theram1, Dec 4, 2:32am
I can do both. No problems. The revenue gathering line is well thrashed. If you break the posted limit and get ticketed end of story. A bad habit around here is entering roundabouts when the exit is not clear. The Girven road rail crossing atBayfair is a good example of this.

bitsy_boffin, Dec 4, 3:24am
Rotorua Girls High School is on that road, so you'd be in a school zone there.5k tolerance in school zones.

bellky, Dec 4, 3:29am
That does make a difference to my mind.

smac, Dec 4, 4:07am
At an actual 50kph what does your speedo read! If you don't know, then the tolerance being applied in any given situation seems a little irrelevant.

nightsky1, Dec 4, 5:17am
that's getting a bit old.

but if that's all you got then so be it.
try to get out more maybe

theram1, Dec 4, 5:18am
Does that make Rotorua residents the third highest at been slow to learn.

meathead_timaru, Dec 4, 5:19am
Annual revenue down, number of tickets steady. That means a lowered tolerance to attempt to maintain the revenue stream. It's getting to within the margin of error of the units under their ideal operating conditions.

meathead_timaru, Dec 4, 5:20am
Slow to learn the difference between 'being' and 'been'! It looks like you have that dubious honour.

chebry, Dec 4, 5:26am
Dont you understand roundabouts you circle untill you can exit. The trees planted by local councils to obscure traffic from view are the stupidest idea yet the must get backhanders from panel beaters.

johnf_456, Dec 4, 5:29am
why not just slow down, especially if you drive near schools

berg, Dec 4, 5:29am
Don't think so. Some ticket values have indeed gone down. $200 for overrun RUC (light motor vehicle) no matter how far over. That used to be a maximum of $15000. Some of the costs for breaching licence conditions have also dropped. The revenue stream will continue as some people just can't help themselves and must drive no matter if the vehicles not legal or their licence isn't up to scratch. Of interest, stop sign tickets now carry demerit points (20) and possibly red lights will follow suit soon

a18a, Dec 4, 5:33am
I wonder about this too. I thought it was just a problem with me in my low car, but being in any normal car at standard height isn't any improvement either.

theram1, Dec 4, 5:37am
You can't Circe when the thing is blocked as often happens. Not many trees at the roundabout I mentioned, thankfully your head can swivel enabling a proper view of your intended exit. Like speedometers not often used to it potential.

theram1, Dec 4, 5:42am
Well spotted, if the OP had you observation skills, we would not be in this mess.