Bike rego's about to run out and I'm on going overseas for the next 2 months so no point in paying horrendous fees whilst I'm not there to use it. Anyway, is it possible to put it on Hold for less than 3 months!
Dec 4, 6:11am
no 3 months is the min
Dec 4, 4:55pm
Yes, exempt it for 3 months then change registered owner when you get back. Then you can relicense from that day forward.
Or simply ride without it being licensed. It doesn't affect your insurance.
Dec 4, 4:59pm
Then the bill goes back to the original owner great advice meathead
Dec 4, 5:03pm
Why would they change the registered owner!
They're only going overseas.
Dec 4, 5:07pm
I dont think comprehension is meatheads strong point
Dec 4, 5:17pm
If I didn't rego it whilst I'm away, wouldn't I still have to back pay it though!
Dec 4, 5:19pm
Yes three months is the minimum. You can re register before that timeframe but have to back-pay. after 3 months and starts from day of re-rego
Dec 4, 5:23pm
No. There is no bill to go to anyone.
Dec 4, 5:23pm
To get around the minimum 3 month exemption. the topic of this thread.
Dec 4, 5:24pm
Irony overload.
Dec 4, 5:25pm
Yes. Unless you do the exemption then upon your return change the registered owner. Then it's not backdated when relicenced by the 'new' owner.
Dec 4, 5:27pm
could put it on hold for 3 months then just don't ride it the last month!
Dec 4, 5:28pm
Your living up to your name if the bike is registered before the thee months is up it is then billed to the original owner for the period that it was unlicensed do younot understand continuous licensing
Dec 4, 5:29pm
This from the trade me know all
Dec 4, 5:32pm
So prove me wrong then. I know you can't. So really I must just be the TradeMe know-more-than-splinter67.
Dec 4, 5:33pm
Cheers guys.
Dec 4, 5:34pm
More irony. The word you should have used was "you're" when accusing me of being an actual meathead.
I understand continuous licensing perfectly, but you certainly do not.
Dec 4, 5:39pm
Oh so your the spelling police as well go back to general oh hang on they think your a know all as well
Once again, it's "you're. "Yeah, some people have real issues with being proven wrong and admitting it. We'll soon see if you're one of those. I know what my money is on.
Dec 4, 5:55pm
NZTA wrote:
"If you want to use your vehicle on the road during the exemption period
You must relicense it before you use it. If you relicense your vehicle during the first three months of the exemption period (the minimum exemption period is three months), we'll backdate your new licence to the expiry date of your original licence, exemption or change in registered person ??
Dec 4, 6:01pm
Nope. Ring them and ask and they'll set you straight. Then you could come back and admit you were wrong.
Dec 4, 6:02pm
splinter, meat head is correct.i put my car on 12 month exemption as i was not going to use it.after 2.5 months my other car was damaged in a smash so i sold my car to my son who them redg it.there were no fees to pay either way
Dec 4, 6:04pm
That's interesting meathead_timaru (and olsod2), but I'm not sure it's worth changing registered owner for though.
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