I have no user manual, 1996 Nissan Pulsar X1. Should it have a fuel light! I've driven it to where I think it should be but hasn't come on yet!
Dec 4, 6:35pm
Why don't you have a close look.
Dec 4, 8:29pm
I have, it's usually quite obvious but I cannot see one nor can I see anything that would illuminate the petrol symbol
Dec 4, 8:43pm
I was at the auto electric shop a while back where the technician had taken the dash cluster out to replace/repair the (non existant) petrol light lol. It may have been a Primera but can't remember.
Dec 4, 9:32pm
The nissan avenair havent got a fuel light if thats any help had to rescue my mate because his ran out of gas when he first brought it
Dec 4, 9:35pm
OP - I wouldn't worry. there isn't much need for the fuel light anyway. if the fuel is low, top it up. Why squeeze every last km out of a tank, you're inevitably going to put more fuel in anyway
Dec 4, 9:44pm
It's helpful having one, I travel rotorua-tauranga-rotorua daily and need to know how much I can get out of a tank for budgeting purposes we do not have a lot of money right now so hugely important to know how far I can drive on one tank.
Dec 4, 9:46pm
. In my corona I knew I could get home on a gas light, one trip back to Rotorua, in my pulsar I am unsure and I run pay-to-pay with petrol generally
Dec 4, 9:56pm
Yeah just keep topping it up, fuels cheap, who cares about economy. I wonder how the fool was that thought a fuel light wasn't needed.
Dec 4, 10:07pm
watching the fuel light won't improve the economy !what you need is a vacuum gauge plumbed into the inlet manifold. this will tell you basically how much thottle / accelerator you are using, which is a good indicator of fuel consumption
early commodores had them. not much use with the 1900 engine, always in the red
Dec 4, 10:31pm
early 80s
Dec 5, 12:27am
You should be aware that running your vehicle low on fuel all the time is increasing the chance of fuel pump failure
Dec 5, 12:33am
If you can't afford to fill the tank up, you can't afford to own a car. FFS.
Dec 5, 12:40am
Im sorry but I think you are missing the point.Your car has a fuel gauge which will give a pretty good indication of your range. Rather that relying on a light comeing on why not figure out the range for yourself. Fill the car up and reset the tripmeter. Throw a 5 or 10l fuel drum in the boot.When you get down to 1/4 tank -or if near a gas station1/8 of a tank then pull in and fill the fuel drum wiuth fuel. Keep driving till you run out. Note the milage travelled and where the fuel needle is pointing. Throw the 5l or 10l of gas in and drive to a gas station. You now know how far you can drive both by the fuel gauge and milage travelled. Nowdeduct 20km from that and you are safe.
Dec 5, 12:45am
Dec 5, 12:52am
Times are tough, all they are wanting to know is what the max range of there car is per tank of fuel. Kazbanz has a perfectly good explanation of how to work that out, by driving within your limit you know if you can afford fuel. Not all of us have a unlimited money tree, we all have bills to pay and in some cases low wages.
Dec 5, 1:55am
Do you have one johnf_456 a money tree that is Id like to borrow it just for a couple of weeks my one seems to be broken lol
Dec 5, 2:20am
Simple.Fill the tank, drive say 200km and fill tank again.Then you can work out how many km per litre.Tank is probably 45 or so litres.Multiply one by other and you got your range which will be near enough for OPs purposes.
Dec 5, 2:26am
I wish I did as well, but I don't have one. If I do find it I will share it with you happily, hopefully santa might fix your bank balance.
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