Perkins 4-236 marine engine

moggyman, Dec 4, 6:16pm
I have one of these in my boat and it has a hell of a dynamic vibration at 1500 rpm then you can go through it and it comes in again about 1900 but really it's harsh right from 1000 rpm up .
Have the gearbox out at the mo, ran the engine up and same result. Motor is rigidly mounted and bolted down tight, (not rubber mounted)Cushion driveplate has loose springs and I will replace that as a matter of course. This motor and gearbox weighs around 1100lbs so something must be well out. I will remove the flywheel, checking it's tight first and look for punchmarks on crank flange and flywheel, maybe it's misaligned! The vibration is not new, boat has a reputation for it from previous owners. Can anyone out there shed any light on this!

mram, Dec 4, 7:11pm
Same engine as a fergy 375 tractor! Is it possible if and when motor was rebuilt that the toothed internal balancer(runs of crankshaft) was not timed properly! they're not smooth beasts at the best of times but yours sounds bad

moggyman, Dec 4, 10:10pm
Yes good thinking there, I've been reading up on flywheel/ bell housing alignment and there's a bit to go wrong there too!
Thanx for your comment

moggyman, Dec 4, 10:13pm
ALSO, it'll be interesting to see if the FW is mounted on the Crankflange in the right place because there is is scope for getting that wrong too