What to do with a car that has broken down.

station_girl, Dec 9, 8:17pm
I have a 1989 Mazda Capella, same owner for 7+ years, great car (for a oldie) but its breaks started making a strange noise. turns out the pads and drums need doing (all four), so its just not worth the money to fix for us.

What is the best way to move it on!
Was thinking about $1.00 reserve on here, or would calling a car wreckersthe best course . anyone able to recommend a car wreakers place in Auckland that pays a decent/fair amount for un road worthy cars!
Still registered, although warrant just ended. Is driveable but not the safest . Body etc is fine, just the breaks.

station_girl, Dec 9, 8:18pm
Was going to ring around car yards, but thought this forum might give me a good idea were to start.

jonthefisho, Dec 9, 8:28pm
Sell it on here ad a demo derby car.
You will be surprised at what you will get for it.

kevymtnz, Dec 9, 8:29pm
anything that is not rusty and the motor not use oil + gearbox is ok is worth fixing brakes are nothing compare to the rest + as long as you do it yrself they not hard

elect70, Dec 9, 8:33pm
What a wastethowing away car that just needsnew brake pads/shoes &disc / drum skim . probably onlycouplehundred $ at mostabout same you get for it from wrecker.

saxman99, Dec 9, 8:34pm
Not really a major to fix I wouldn't have thought, what was the quote!

morrisman1, Dec 9, 8:42pm
dont chuck it, replace your pads and shoes and drums if required. I think it would be less than $400 all up for parts, if you replaced everything. Thats if you think its worth spending $400 on it, or if you think spending $5000 on replacing it is a better option!

station_girl, Dec 9, 8:45pm
Maybe I should re phrase that, i can't afford to fix the car. We arn't even having Xmas this year. I've spent the entire year off work trying to recover from two separate health scares, broken back and cancer. We have another car thankfully, but fixing this one just isn't a option for us. The quote for it to get fixed was $1200.00 to get all four done (4x Break pads, 4x drums and I think something else break related!), they said it was particularly difficult car to due to something not being removable like most cars are (not sure what now). Phoned three different mechanics and was the same answer/price give or take a hundred.
Since we can't afford to fix it, and we can't store it (our parking it on the road, and paying for rego/warrent when its undriveable isnt practical for us), we need to sell it on in as is condition.
It might be easy for some of you guys in your current situation, but we are struggling this year financially, and with a broken back I can't exactly start pulling it apart myself. I really shouldn't have to explain why i'm not fixing it.

hopie, Dec 9, 8:48pm
I think your getting taken for a bit of a ride re the pricing, but yup $1 reserve it on here. probably get more than a scrappy wil pay you.

station_girl, Dec 9, 8:49pm
Alright, will get some photos and put up a listing. The mechanic is a family friend, would be shocked if he was. I rang around as well.

kiwikatt, Dec 9, 8:53pm
I also have a Capella which is not worth fixing. After 12 years of faithful service, I had to replace her last week.Considering this place http://www.carremovalauckland.co.nz. You might like to check it out too :)

station_girl, Dec 9, 8:55pm
They are great cars, and reliable . If we could we would fix her up and keep her going but its just not going to happen. Will check them out

msigg, Dec 9, 10:08pm
You could put the registration on hold and wait and see how the future pans out, maybe get it fixed at a later date, otherwise car wreckers or sell as is, if you sell you must make sure it is as is because it has no warrant/too old, get everything in writing otherwise some scumbag may try to come back to you at a later date say it needs $$$ this repairs etc. All thebest.

tuttyclan, Dec 9, 10:18pm
Yep put it on hold when the registation (licence) is due.

the-lada-dude, Dec 10, 1:11pm
how manyk'sand how much do u think it's worth !

kazbanz, Dec 10, 1:53pm
put it on here $1.00 reserve. Make it clear that ity needs new BRAKE pads on the front ,shoes on the back etc.
Now I bet your mechanic has quoted to do the job propperly.
I suspect it needs drums skimmed,new front disks etc.
To make the car less dangerous to drive I'd suggest tossing a set of brake pads in the front calipers.($50) Not "safe" but a lot less dangerous than totally worn out pads.This then makes the car driveable,

mm12345, Dec 10, 1:55pm
I bet the new owner of the car they buy for a couple of hundred $ "as is" on trademe, gets it up to WOF standard for another $40 or so.