Cellphones and driving.

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bobinnz, Dec 14, 8:18pm
I would like someone to tell me what in the world could be so important that you have to txt while driving. We need a minister with balls to leave the fine but 51 demerits so 2nd offense you loose you license and no work license.

lazzo, Dec 14, 8:22pm
I reckon eating food while driving is just as bad! How many people steer the car with their knees while chomping into a burger from McDonalds.

hyphen, Dec 14, 8:28pm
how many teenage girls do you see that aren't txt-ing!

chazz6, Dec 14, 9:03pm
I see people putting on make up, doing their hair, eating, reading a map or gps, it's all distracting, why is texting so bad, its actually easier then these other things.

mrfxit, Dec 14, 9:05pm

Even in the USA, eating & cell ph usage rate at the top of the list for causing accidents

mrfxit, Dec 14, 9:05pm

Even in the USA, eating & cell ph usage rate at the top of the list for causing accidents

trademerob, Dec 14, 9:18pm
Who cares about the law.

mrfxit, Dec 14, 9:21pm
It's NEVER really been about the law, it's about stopping & educatingDIMWITS that insist on doing stupid things that are known to cause STUPID accidents. .

matarautrader, Dec 14, 9:41pm
I'm a man, so I can multitask. I drive, I watch the road, I comment on other drivers, I eat my lunch, I gesture at other drivers who don't have the skills I have, its easy. The trouble with cell phones is that they invariably ring whilst doing all of the above, so I run out of hands to do things.
Lucky I have a bluetooth headpiece so I can do every thing.Tui anyone!

stevo275, Dec 14, 10:39pm
yeah spot on see it many times every day 90 percent teenage girls bloody scary

lazzo, Dec 14, 10:41pm
I love it. Spot on!

wind.turbine, Dec 14, 11:32pm
yea txting I find real hard to do while doing anything else at the same time.
eating is not so bad as txting as with txting you have to focus on small letters wheres with eating a burger you don't.
calling someone yea its distracting too but not as bad as aging your only talking and not having to focus on those small letters but I find it much easier to talk on hands free.haha I get a phone call to tell me to bring some milk home and I get home with no milk oops.
shows I wasn't listening :D

jmma, Dec 14, 11:58pm
Eating a hot pie when driving with shorts on is a real hazard (o:

wind.turbine, Dec 15, 12:00am
ummm yea that is.
but things like chips, sandwiches are fine.and even burgers these days are cold by the time they get to you.

chazz6, Dec 15, 2:08am
I find us young people, we all know how to text without looking at our phones so the reason I say its easy.

wind.turbine, Dec 15, 2:35am
touch screen!

wrong2, Dec 15, 2:46am
nobody can text without being distracted from driving

you cant even talk to your passenger without lowering your attention level to driving

bobinnz, Dec 15, 2:51am
That is why I can drive along and point out all the drivers that are txting or on their cellphones. You can see them a mile off, they THINK they can drive and txt but they cant. Best are the pricks with a vehicle that has bluetooth and they still have the phone next to their ear. If you want to txt and drive please do it on a deserted roadwhere you can only kill yourself.

bobinnz, Dec 15, 2:56am
Not one reason yet as to WHY you HAVE to txt while driving. STOP or WAIT until you reach your destination to txt or even speak. I don't want to hear I am sorry I did not mean to kill your family member. Toooo late then F wits.

wind.turbine, Dec 15, 3:02am
I agree if it is that important whats wrong with pulling over for 2 min.
hands free I think is a bit safer as you still have both hand free to control the car but you do need to remember to focus on the road NOT the questions getting fired at you over the phone!
If you can manage that then fine but txting is a definite NO

v8_mopar, Dec 15, 6:10am
Most car crashers happen cos people are thinking of other things and driving at the same time. Now everyone is guilty of that including the haters above!

The bigger picture here is why did it become illegal to hold a cell phone but not anything else! We can eat and hold/do other things but not get a ticket unless our driving is reckless, why!

Its always been a money spinner from the start! If the government had tried to stop us doing anything in the car with our hands (which was the best and safest thing to have done) there would have been a massive backlash and the law may not have gone ahead.

bobinnz, Dec 15, 12:03pm
Almost been hit 3 times in the last 3 days by people on cellphones, never yet had a close call from someone eating or drinking. I do agree that we should stop doing anything else in a moving vehicle other than driving, but cellphones "IN MY EXPERIENCE" are the worst contributors by far. Get off the road dip sh1ts to use your phones.

mrfxit, Dec 15, 12:43pm
It's the total degree of concentration needed to understand a conversation thats the problem.

Misunderstanding or not hearing a single word in a sentence can totally destroy or completely alter your understanding of what was being said.

Think of it as similar to pidgin English or txt speak, it takes a lot more time & concentrationto fully understand a conversation when bits of the sentence are not clear or missing.

mrfxit, Dec 15, 12:44pm
Yep same here & it's easy to spot them at traffic lights as well because they don't move off on a green light until you toot at them.

jason18, Dec 15, 1:10pm
The other day I had a guy cut in front of me. I nearly spilled my coffee! I dropped my phone while texting but my pie was sitting on my knee. Thank god I had just finished programming in my gps so got to my destination in time! Couldn't believe how irresponsible he was!