Cellphones and driving.

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doomy999, Dec 22, 1:45am
I have always believe talking on a cellphone and driving was ok.
The problem was with texters.
But after the last couple of days I have changed my mind totally.
Some people just dont have the ability to multitask!
On 3 different occasions in the last couple of days I have been stuck behind really really slow drivers only to realise they were chatting on their phones totally oblivious to the rest of the world. Totally oblivious to the fact that they were in the real world, still on the road driving vehicles.
Banning cell phones while driving was a great idea.

Now the police need to start pulling over more of these idiots.

bobinnz, Dec 22, 5:28pm
Unfortunately the world has become me, myself and I RIGHT BLOODY NOW. And most of the kids are tooo stupid to realize they could kill someone else. If only the world was fair and they only killed themselves it would be great but until then DONT TXT AND DRIVE!

scoobeey, Dec 24, 3:04am
was in hams today and couldnt believe my eyes young gal reading what looked like a whare house mailer on her lap and sprawled right out , blardy makes ya wonder:(

wind.turbine, Dec 24, 3:06am
did you have to do that!

tintop, Dec 24, 3:08am
Ooooh!Ain't you a smarty!

carmad50, Dec 24, 3:10am
ofive decipher that in english thanks

carmad50, Dec 24, 3:10am
wind turbine yerp I did

carmad50, Dec 24, 3:11am
tintop between the ears re read your comment pillick

trogedon, Dec 24, 3:21am
I've had words with people texting and driving when they've stopped at intersections. Out come the denials, excuses, rights.

beil, Dec 25, 2:17pm
Are you serious.

marywarren, Dec 25, 2:56pm
Take a look at your own comments.

trogedon, Dec 25, 3:43pm
Ah huh. You're a real contributer.

marywarren, Dec 25, 10:59pm
You brought it up.