Cellphones and driving.

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trogedon, Dec 15, 1:30pm
Do we even NEED cellphones!! I've never had one - don't need or want one. I have a family, friends and manage my buisness without one.
The only times I've had on with me was when I was out cycling and my wife got me to take her cellphone when she was about to give birth to our two babies.

bashfulbro, Dec 15, 1:56pm
The use of cellphones, while driving law,was never,ever about safety.
If it was , there would be a tougher penalty,not a measly fine.
Most companies and individuals,simply budget for the fines.

We had adequate laws in place all along, What happened to " Driving without due care and attention " !

truckr, Dec 15, 2:06pm
most nz drivers are barely cappable of tying their own shoelaces let alone drive a car and the smaller the car the less ability they haveto drive

bobinnz, Dec 15, 3:28pm
That is why I believe there should be 51 demerits to go with the fine. Get caught twice and you lose your license and no getting a work license through the courts. Maybe that will teach the dipsh1ts.

jason18, Dec 15, 3:56pm
Imagine what that would cost us as a country. Instead of everyone with fines for driving we would have everyone with no licence driving around.

wind.turbine, Dec 15, 4:21pm
that flew out the window when we hit 100kmh :D

trogedon, Dec 15, 11:36pm
Or spelling correctly.

gunhand, Dec 15, 11:42pm
I felt my cellphone vibrate the other day while on the motorbike, had a shit of a time fishing it out of my pocket reading the txt and replying. Bloody hard with gloves wearing a helmet plus it was raining as well as doin 100kph so not to hold up trafffic.But when the wife txts ya.

trogedon, Dec 15, 11:47pm
We think everything has to be urgent and immediate. Almost nothing is either. See Covey's Quadrant.

cowboy110, Dec 16, 12:43am
My old cell phone finally karked it last month so got myself one of those new fangled "smart phones".Well bugger me with a big stick, it's got a keypad like a computer so I now have to use 2 hands to text. Now I have to steer with my left knee, balance the pie on the right knee and the coffees getting cold in the centre console. Bloody irresponsible on the part of the phone companies if you ask me.They've got a lot to answer for I reckon.

steptoe72, Dec 16, 2:15am
a freind had a nissan mid 90's v8, when you started the car, cell phones had no recpiten (spelling) .so why isnt this std in NZ then you dont need a law about cell phoes in cars. I saw a police car the day have a wiggle down the road. I think he was too busy looking at his navman sitting in middle of car windowscreen.They should be banned too.you carnt get a wof with a stone chip in windowscreen but you can with a navman in your view.

v8_mopar, Dec 16, 2:35am
Funny you say that cos I was almost hit 3 times today yes today and not one of them had anything in there hand! Maybe they should get off the road to :)

bobinnz, Dec 16, 2:51am
Not when the cars they use get impounded for driving while suspended. If you knew you would lose and NOT get a work license would you txt or not!

bobinnz, Dec 16, 2:54am
Maybe they should or was it maybe you who was in the wrong and should stay of the road.

00quattro00, Dec 16, 2:55am
There is more important things to get sorted before txting while driving

robotix1970, Dec 16, 2:58am
i saw a guy shaving and driving the other week and when i looked it up, i could not find any thing about it in the law! go figure lol

trogedon, Dec 16, 3:02am
Electrict, wet shave or cutthroat!!

robotix1970, Dec 16, 3:20am
electric cordless shaver

trogedon, Dec 16, 2:06pm
Safety first then.

new2cycling, Dec 16, 3:14pm
You are texting the address of a mass murderer to the police while escaping the room you were locked up in!

v8_mopar, Dec 16, 3:38pm
Yes if it was me maybe I should and now we are getting closer to the point! Out of all the crashers and near misses on the road most if not nearly all happen when people have nothing in their hand.

berg, Dec 16, 5:27pm
The "catch all" charge, careless use of a vehicle. Any action other than that of a careful and prudent motorist. Heard in front of a JP and up to them to justify their actions

curlcrown, Dec 16, 9:45pm
Why not add a 50 year jail term while they're at it!

trogedon, Dec 16, 10:13pm
Now you're being silly. 20 sure.but not 50.

bobinnz, Dec 19, 1:02am
If we want to be silly bring back the death penalty then it is a lot cheaper than locking up someone for 50 years.