Little fender bender and no insurance

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doublexiao, Dec 14, 10:30pm
I went into the back of a car in front of me today (taxi). My fault, which I accept.

I have no car insurance so will have to pay but my question is how to best go about this! the guy is foreign and when i asked about his insurance, he said he just got the car/insurance new through a broker.

So what I'm concerned about is that he may inflate cost of repair or rather say that the collision caused other issues, which could have already been there.

It's obvious to me that repair to the rear (which looks very minor) is at my cost but he also said the air con duct in tieback set started making a bad noise.

What's the best approach! to anyone who's been down this road before.

And yes my 3rd party insurance had expired and i'd not yet renewed (doh).

theram1, Dec 14, 10:43pm
the air con noise sounds suspicious. The air con is usually in the front. The noise should not be caused by a damaged duct. Might be best if you organise the repairs and tell the panelbeater of your concerns.

lookoutas, Dec 15, 1:40pm
You are right to say that AC is 'usually' in the front, after which you don't really know much about air systems.

OP - how overdue is your policy! If not by too much, you might be lucky enough to squeeze a claim in if you pay up.
Otherwise, let this be a lesson. If you damage someone elses car, you are in the firing line to repair all sorts of issues.
Nationality will become another problem that will lump everything on board. Your fault.

kazbanz, Dec 15, 1:59pm
OP- The bad news is that you may very well have done more damage than first apears.Unfotunately the bumpers of modern cars can pop inwards damaging the underlying structure then pop back out again looking minor.

gammelvind, Dec 15, 2:08pm
My son did the same a last year, looked minor, $2500 later fixed, due to damage underneath. His A/C comments sound a bit suss. If it is repaired via his insurance, he is unlikely to be able to inflate the claim as the insurance company organises it using an assesor, regardless of the broker.

3tomany, Dec 15, 2:23pm
well said deal with his insurance not him they might even let you pay it off if cash is short and if any disputable issues come up the insurance ombadsmen will help

doublexiao, Dec 15, 2:24pm
Yeah ideally he would use his full insurance, then we would pay the excess. is that not reasonable!

lookoutas, Dec 15, 2:25pm
Thanks you 3 for explaining what I couldn't be bothered.

Many cars have air systems behind the back seat/inside rear guards.

splinter67, Dec 15, 2:27pm
Are you going to pay the extra for his premiums that will go up because he has lost his no claims bonus and no its not reasonable

lookoutas, Dec 15, 2:30pm
Not as far as his Insurance Co go - they will want you to pay the full cost.
If he does what you suggest, then he will lose bonuses and have it on his record.

Splinter can type faster than me!

sw20, Dec 15, 4:18pm
Not really reasonable at all.

He should put in a claim with his insurer, and put you down as the at fault party, they will contact you, and you will admit that you did hit his car, he will have his car repaired where he wants at no cost or excess to him and you will get sent the bill.

xpfairmont, Dec 15, 4:26pm
Yes, that's how it works.

splinter67, Dec 15, 4:57pm
LOLnow thats the first time anyone has said that also helps that I just brought a new and very quick computer

bellky, Dec 15, 5:00pm
Now just brush up on your spelling and grammar thanks.

theram1, Dec 15, 5:09pm
I sense fun :0)

3tomany, Dec 15, 5:09pm
you dont lose youre no claims bonus or have premiums hiked if a third party is at fault and the cost of repair recovered

bellky, Dec 15, 5:10pm
Sense fgs.

3tomany, Dec 15, 5:11pm
thats how it works +2

theram1, Dec 15, 5:11pm
waiting, breath baited.

johnf_456, Dec 15, 5:11pm

theram1, Dec 15, 5:12pm
done. :0)

splinter67, Dec 15, 5:28pm
Have sex and travel bellend

splinter67, Dec 15, 5:32pm
Read what the op wanted he wanted the person he hit to claim on his insurance and only pay the excess if all you guys could read ya might have seen this and stopped wasting everyone's time

3tomany, Dec 15, 5:47pm
doesnt work like that taxi drivers insurance will recover all costs. sw20 explained it very well not a lot to add to that. Have you got youre period today splinter

splinter67, Dec 15, 5:56pm
I know it does not work like that read the two posts again the op wanted the person he hit to take the blame then only pay the excess are your brains working today and no I dont have a period just sick of the fwit responses on here