Nissan skyline 250gt 2002

shaun1978, Dec 14, 10:05pm
what can any one tell me about them! how are they on fuel! any faults! anything good or bad you can say let me know.


splinter67, Dec 14, 10:14pm
If you are a person that thinks about fuel economy you dont want one of these

vtecintegra, Dec 14, 11:28pm
I have a 300GT and its pretty good for its size (5 speed auto though where the 250 has a 4 speed)

Some general things to watch out for
- The in dash CD stackers and sometimes the heater/aircon controls die early. Because its a single unit its not easy to just chuck a cheap aftermarket stereo in.
- Direct injection engines can suffer from severe carbon buildup which certainly doesn't help performance/economy
- Depending on how you drive them they can chew through rear tyres

splinter67, Dec 14, 11:57pm
So did you buy this because of it fuel economy or did you buy it because it goes quickly!

vtecintegra, Dec 15, 12:03am
Uh neither!

Its a comfortable, well priced midsized sedan that isn't particularly quick.

shaun1978, Dec 15, 12:05am
we currently have a 95 mazda mpv, which has the same (2490cc) size engine(although the mpv is only 4 cylinder), which only gets about 6km's/litre.

vtecintegra, Dec 15, 12:09am
It should be a lot better than that - I'm seeing between 8 and 12l/100km depending on usage (all open road, all town respectively)

shaun1978, Dec 15, 12:43am
thats the thing with manufacturers stats they rarely achieve what they say

shaun1978, Dec 15, 12:58am
so is anyone who owns one going to comment!

wrong2, Dec 15, 1:12am
how do you explain the people who can better their manufacturer stats

shaun1978, Dec 15, 1:41am
are you one of them!

wrong2, Dec 15, 2:47am
with every car ive ever owned

wizid, Dec 15, 3:52am
try running a tank full of gull ethanol in it . its cleans it up nicely.

bitchwitattitud, Dec 15, 3:04pm
Steer clear, IF or WHEN it develops a engine fault like a stretched timing chain, faulty VCT solenoid, fuel pump, injectors etc etc you will be in for a large repair bill.

vtecintegra, Dec 15, 4:05pm
Sorry to go off topic but how does that actually work!

The reason the carbon builds up in the first place is the placement of the injectors (directly into the cylinder) so I don't see how a different type of fuel could help anything.

wizid, Dec 15, 4:31pm
i had a bit of trouble with the injectors .and was told by a mach . been told gull ethane burns hotter so it cleans the carbonoff worked for me