Wof when selling a car

2girls3, Dec 22, 4:53pm
What are the rules on this.I understood you had to supply a WOF less than 1 month old when selling a car unless it was as is where is.Is this still the case and are there exceptions e.g cars sold on trademe. TIA

stickman100, Dec 22, 6:37pm
Warrant of fitness (WoF) that is no more than one month old when the buyer takes possession.http://www.nzta.govt.nz/resources/factsheets/41/buying-and-selling.html ORhttp://www.consumer.org.nz/reports/car-buyers-rights

msigg, Dec 22, 7:01pm
As above.

intrade, Dec 22, 7:04pm
sold as is where is for private person with signature of the purchaser on that paper.

2girls3, Dec 22, 8:12pm
Thanks for that info.I notice a lot of cars say current WOF - expires in March etc.It seems like they think this is adequate.I take it I am within my rights once I have bid on a car and won it to ask for a WOF less than one month old. Have I got that right!

intrade, Dec 22, 8:14pm
yea but you might not be able to push your right thru as they probably got no idea about this new law demanding this from private sellers also.

morrisjvan, Dec 22, 8:16pm
ask BEFOREyou bid .

2girls3, Dec 22, 8:21pm
I didn't think this was a new law.I thought it was always the law but people don't seem to follow it now.

shaun16, Dec 22, 8:33pm
even if the car has a new warrant i would sell it as is as its not worth the trouble. i always say as is and get them to sign a handwritten paper, so theres no comeback if somthing goes wrong or they find something little wrong with the car and expect a new one in return!

carclan, Dec 22, 8:44pm
I agree with the above post. I had two guy's that had looked at our car tell how they had taken people to the small claims court, I made sure I did not sell it to either person. Scary really that people have come to this.

kazbanz, Dec 22, 8:57pm
2girls3 -the thing is there is the hypothetical world and theres the real world.In theory yep if the car isn't advertised specifically saying as is where is condition you could demand it has a new wof.
But real world the seller could turn around and say NO-"you knew when the wof ran out AND had plenty of time to ask if it would have a new WOF.
Why cause yourself undue drama !
I buy on the priinciple that the vehicle is exactly as per auction description or I ask the specific question -will it have a new wof at auction close!