Because the vast majority of responsible drinkers will not drive drunk , but the majority of smokers will have ongoing health issues that cost society lots of money that could be used elsewhere . Wrong place to debate this issue though, the loss of a mother, wife, sister, friend to an act of stupidity far outweighs the smoking debate right now.
Dec 23, 12:22pm
Here is Kazs' friend. This is very sad. More often it seems the drunk survives whilst an inocent person dosn't.
Since 1900, more people have been killed by motor vehicles than all the wars on the planet. By a huge margin. Drunk drivers would be substantial part of this miserable statistic.
Dec 23, 1:20pm
Thanks mate -I diddn't want to discuss details untill certain everybody knew etc.
Dec 23, 1:59pm
Tell someone who cares.
Ranting on here won't change anything.
Dec 23, 2:56pm
Good. I like it when you don't bother trying to sell vws on here.
Dec 23, 3:14pm
doesn't make it right, but as a young drinker if i take my car somewhere to have few to many, it takes a lot of will not to drive home, even 2k down the road. i now have in my car a sleeping bag and a emergencey (sp!) blanket. i have found this to be the best way to stop my idiot idea's. i will still drive (proberbly over the limit) but there have been 4 hours sleep and 2 litres of water. still not the best but better than downing half a bottle then driving. my 2c
Dec 23, 3:22pm
The idiot idea is to set off in the car in the first place.When drunk, it's understandable (but wrong) to have a dumb idea about driving back.Why on earth do people set off in a car to have a drink, then wonder why they're in a position to have to make the call later on!
In the UK, the rules changed in the mid 1980s.First offence minimum decent fine (approx $3k), 18 months loss of licence (no work licences), almost certain loss of job as this is written into most employment contracts, 10 years with maximum points on licence so any offence leads to disqualification, 10 years with 1000% loading on (mandatory) insurance.Second offence massive fine, minimum 5 years disqualification.Third offence mandatory jail, permanent driving ban.
This changed the picture rather quickly from drink driving being "something the lads always do" to being the thing only the dumbest even think about.
WOW . great add, almost brought tears to me eyes.BUT. the scum you are talking about kaz, wont watch, nor if forced to watch have no emotional reaction, other than to acknowledge the WICKED CRASH scenes. the law must change from manslaughter to PREMEDITATED MURDER !. and those caught drunk driving get an instant prisonpenalty so tough, you just woudn't wanta go there. if anybody killed one of my family pissed and armed with a car, i'd get the b. eye for an eye
Dec 23, 4:50pm
I'm sure alcoholism and drunkeness costs society more in dollar terms than the smokers who are pacified to them selves.I guage this in quantity terms or ratio from seeing one person smokeone ciggy while another drinks a full jug of beerwithin a time frame.The negative effects seem more from the drinker than the smoker! The social fall out from heavy drinking and death/injuryrelated incidents with drinking alcohol in excess would seem higher in numbers though I don't know the actual statistics as whohonesty know! .My understandingis thatsmoking stuns the brain cells where as heavy drinking kills brain cells.
Dec 23, 4:56pm
Tell someone who cares
Dec 23, 5:02pm
I don't.
Dec 23, 5:15pm
Tell someone that cares grinchy
Dec 23, 5:24pm
That's^ what I've been saying.
Dec 23, 5:56pm
Cool story bro
Dec 23, 5:58pm
2 kids and a partner now without mum/wife such a crap thing to happen
Dec 23, 6:02pm
If you don't like this thread then go play in the traffic. Your input is neither needed nor wanted, bugger off to somewhere where people actually give a damn what you think. (hint - it's not here)
Dec 23, 7:00pm
belke.why.oh why. do you HAVE to be such a fkn dork. if you dont like the threadsfoff.please
Dec 23, 7:03pm
You should prolly watch your foul mouth there sunny jim.
Dec 23, 7:07pm
Watch your language ozz1
Dec 23, 7:10pm
so. i will rephrase it for you.why do you have to be such a peshula desta!
Dec 23, 7:11pm
bellky, you are the biggest and most gutless limp dick I have come across on these boards. When people don't see things your way, you step up with an arsehole attitude. Then when things get nasty, you go and tell tales. You should be asking for a pair of balls for christmas, grinchy.
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