Please do not talk to Bellky, Please just report his foul mouthed posts to trade me so he gets banned. Come on everyone!
Dec 23, 7:26pm
sorrydude. but i havent seenfkn or foffin theoxford dictionary yet! least the weather is good for fishing in nelson. have a xmas time for a holiday i think
Dec 23, 7:27pm
And this.
Dec 23, 7:30pm
it is still swearing as we all know what it says. Trademe do remove censored swear words from time to time.
Doesn't bother me but it may get you in the dog house.
Dec 23, 7:30pm
it is still swearing as we all know what it says. Trademe do remove censored swear words from time to time.
Dec 23, 7:34pm
Doesn't bother me either.
You get the MB you deserve, and you duds deserve this one.
Dec 23, 7:50pm
There is no denying this is a tragedy but I don't think their family would appreciate you bringing this to a public message board.
Dec 23, 7:51pm
And nor do I.
Dec 23, 8:45pm
well i thinkd heads like bellky should have to go out with our police fire ambos etc and have to see what its like to clean up after drink drivers , i would like to see what this prick would think if it was his mother or other family memeber in that car , this person should be removed from here bet just another gutless key boarder would not dare say these things fave to face so he should just p off
Dec 23, 8:52pm
Melanie-to clarify for you. Until this morning when at least one news agency announced the name of the lady that was killed and the age/sex of the children. Untill this was done I was extremely carefull to ensure the detail was left out
Dec 23, 11:49pm
Friends who live on Muriwai Road were first on the scene, long before emergency services arrived, and I thought your post regarding injuries was unnecessary and was actually incorrect, that's all.
Dec 24, 12:51am
Seriously do weneed this! A mother died. And two kids in hospital. That what happened no!
Dec 24, 12:56am
I was referring to post #17.
Dec 24, 1:31am
Ask your freinds if they remember a guy about 1.75cm med bulidblue shirt black trou.(not ems or police)
Dec 25, 2:31pm
Melanie could you please respond to question asked. "im told" the 1.75cm guy would be pretty keen to talk to the folks you are talking about. -In a positive way of course
Dec 25, 2:39pm
Ignore this thread. Let it drop.
Dec 25, 3:38pm
That guy sure would be memorable. He would have to be in the Guiness Book of records at that hight.
Dec 26, 8:58pm
Sprung. I bet the OP doesn't even know the lady.
Dec 27, 1:31am
double sprung, aye Bellky, oh and you're still a wanker
Dec 27, 2:28am
I actually know the lady- Kaz was just there on the scene. And sometimes one may post on a forum-as a reaction from being *on the sene*
Dec 27, 3:57am
Hey snoopy --How do/ did you know the lady!-if its private I respect that. I know her as the freind of my wifes best freind. Darn nice lady
Dec 27, 4:07am
Years worked in Central Auckland for Central Motoring. We had the TVNZ contract. Many staff were that impressed by the fleet standard that it flowed on to servicing their personal vehicles. Your wife's best friend isn't an ex newsreader by any chance!
Dec 27, 4:19am
Snoopy--hows about we kinda move this to private chat !
Dec 27, 4:35am
I'll still stand by your right to post as ya did kaz Condolencesfrom me personally to you and your wife. Extended to Rob and Karen Harley And Dave Southern
Dec 27, 2:34pm
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