Just bought a small car for runabout. 96 Starlet petrol. Had an option of same model in diesel but from my calculation the diesel would cost roughly $25 a week in road tax, (15,000K per year) and rego before you even drive it. Any one else found this to be the case! I used to be an avid diesel fan but definitly not now.
Dec 22, 9:44pm
Yep, sold my diesel ute for a petrol one. For the kms I do the diesel just wasn't worth it.
Dec 22, 9:54pm
For a small runabout car pottering around town >> diesel = No Medium to large ute/4x4/ truck thats getting used for loads as well as general transport >> diesel = HECK YES
Dec 22, 10:31pm
Diesel works for me, but I do a lot of kms, around 35,000 a year,
Dec 22, 11:16pm
I only do a few thousands kms with the ute every year so diesel just wasn't worth it.
Dec 22, 11:20pm
i get through about 10,000 to 14,000 per year but it's also used to cart a lot of gear around & rip sides out of Honda's that cut me off on roundabouts. ******** Done some interisland trips as well.
Dec 22, 11:52pm
I think you will find it will cost $15/Week in RUC.
Dec 23, 6:27pm
P vs D! P.
Dec 23, 7:15pm
unless you are doing 20 odd thousand ks a year diesel not worth it by the time you add on extra servicing and cost of parts and the like
Dec 23, 8:25pm
and don't forget the cost of a new diesel fuel pump, some horror stories on here $6,000 up to $18,000.
Dec 23, 8:34pm
well i would say if i had the dacia sandero 1.2 2010 model here then that would run more economical then my fiat diesel that does 60mpg with payment of ruc on top as the sandero does 60mpg on 96 ocane petrol. and it dont matter how mutch km i drive the diesel wont be cheaper it will be more expensive the more i drive compaiderd to the sandero. for size they are the same car for internal space
Dec 23, 8:35pm
Agreed when concerning a small domestic vehicle being used for domestic traveling, (around town stuff mostly with the odd bit of distance)
Dec 23, 8:37pm
Only really concerns common rail diesels for that price range.
88, 2.4 turbo Surf injectors AND pump can be done for around $1500
Dec 23, 8:39pm
well thats bulls the old pumps cost new 5 grand commonrail pumps are 600 euro abouts in exchange. Diesel need a additive to combat ulsd problems and we got one of the worlds worst crap fuels , europe rejected diesel for cars that got sold in other countrys so they have the rooted diesel engines.just use google and look up ulsd-problems . there is tousends of sites about nuked diesel engines.
Dec 23, 8:41pm
Oncegovt cottoned onmore people were buying deiselcarsthey upped thecharges. we were warned it would happen years ago .Plus the hi cost of maintenance &repairsmakes them uneconomicalfordomestic use .
Dec 23, 9:01pm
I love my old tdi golf, have upgraded the injectors, ecu remap, modified my intake manifold and a 2.5" exh, it should be making around 110kw and a shit load of torque, will need to upgrade the clutch soon and some better tyres, keeping traction has became more difficult now
Dec 23, 9:09pm
my one is 96kw factory and its got crap bridgstone tyres on dangerous in the wet. i first did thinky my clutch slipped when i gave a wee bit to mutch throotle at the lights, but it was them rubish tyres spinning like mad in the wet. they also torquesteer in the dry if i give it plenty to fast.
Dec 24, 1:30am
Once had a diesel car and van, with the RUCs going up plus the more regular maintenance required, switchin back to petrol started to make sense.
Dec 24, 1:43am
Switch. lol.
Dec 24, 2:56am
Agree that you need to be working them hard to be economically viable but I'm confused as to why people assume all diesels??
Dec 24, 2:59am
criminal charge 2500 fine. boys in blue waking up to this big time as they know most are doin it
Dec 24, 3:00am
if its the same switch you meaning lol
Dec 24, 3:02am
me too elf truck done 5 hundy km . water pump drive belts oil n filters thats all and ive done 2 hundy in it:) shes runnin better than ever
Dec 24, 2:00pm
Are you still telling lies about this grow a brain qand learn something every country has now dumped the corrosive sulfur content from its diesel and doom merchants like you wail about leaking injector pumps. You are an idiot tradein drink some flashlube and go away
Dec 24, 2:15pm
Well I think the japanese government has accepted diesels again over there so in the future you will see some good diesel technology coming out of Japan!. Hopefully. Merry Christmas .
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