We have a rattle in the front brakes, it goes away when brake is pressed. i rectenly changed the pads and are wondering if the pad depth could be wrong causing them to rattle! are there two types of GT legacy pads. they have 4 pot calipers and have used thermo quite shim less pads. thanks
Dec 28, 1:31am
i would have thought a front shock
Dec 28, 1:33am
Did the spring clips on the calipers go back in with the pads!
Dec 28, 1:36am
pad length probably-disc picks up and drops pad in rotation-pad *rattles *due to end play between pad and caliper.I.E. [-] instead of [_]. and nope i can't lift the longer pad_ up to the damn middle of the caliper[] L O L
Dec 28, 1:47am
snoopy221 thats seems my thoughts too. spring clips are back in and all tight, have noticed slight wear marks on the inside near hub bolts on the old old edge of disc, repco said today there could be 2 sizes 59mm and 54mm pads. look all over for any loose bits and found nothing, shocks and bearings good. nosie goes away under the slightest braking. and only noticable at low low speeds.
Dec 28, 2:09am
Yip-as simple as !Do Not Shoot The Messenger! High temp(red) silicone-pull the pads out one night-pop the pistons back a fraction coat the back of the pads and the shims with high temp silicon-re-assemble- pump up pedal-
LEAVE OVERNIGHT FOR SILICON TO SET. Problem fixed. No doubt idiots that shoot messengers will try and argue.
Dec 28, 2:28am
nice idea, i shall look into it worth a try. thank you.
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