Nissan Escargo Auto Problem.

rick224, Jan 23, 1:54am
My escargo used to change gears very promptly and crisply. Recently it holds back dropping into top gear. I have to get up to 52 k.p.h. before it swaps cogs.The changes are still quite smooth. The lower gears do not seem to be affected as much. The fluid is about 3 years old.The bands where adjusted at that time.It has a E15 motor & trans.i.e 1980's Sentra. Any ideas from any one out there inmotoring hyberspace. !And yes I know they are ugly as sin , but so am I. !Cheers Rick.

supernova2, Jan 23, 2:23am
Trans has a governor but when that dies its stuck in 1st.Maybe its playing up and preparing todie.The bit to fix the gov is about $20 and 10-15 mins to fit.

kazbanz, Jan 23, 2:38pm
Are you using more wellie nowadays!- the old nissan boxes would hang onto a gear for longer if you put your foot down harder.

ola_bitchola1, Jan 23, 3:06pm
those escargo autos arent that flash a workshop i worked at had one was on its 2nd trans and changed erraticly ect they werent that strong