Drivers license. Just had torenew mine amp noticed on thepiece of paper they give you there isconditions amp 1 saysonly vehicles
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Jan 24, 8:11pm
Just had torenew mine & noticed on thepiece of paper they give you there isconditions, & 1 says"only vehicles with automatic transmission may be driven". So does that mean anyone who got their license in an auto can only drive an autonow !Perhaps youhave to sit a new license todrive a manual! . Moregovt revenue collecting !
Jan 24, 8:15pm
Restricted or full!
Jan 24, 10:33pm
once you got your full license you can drive anything.
Jan 24, 11:41pm
I thought that if you sat your license in an auto you could only drive an auto even if you have got the full one. Has this not always been the case or am I wrong, been known to happen. Looked into this and only a condition to restricted license.
Jan 24, 11:41pm
Has always been like that if you sit your restricted in an Auto.
Full license you can drive either.
Jan 25, 1:20am
Yeah its weird, cos if you pass FULL in Auto it doesnt mean you are competent in a Manual but you can still drive one by yourself with no instructors at anytime anywhere! But ah well. I got my Full in Auto but I knew how to drive Manual but at the time of the test I didnt have one nor could I find someone to borrow i guess thats one reason why you can drive either on a Full.
Jan 25, 2:50am
I'm not particularly old but it hasn't "always" been like this.
Jan 25, 3:01am
Started in 1999.
Jan 25, 1:05pm
Surprising number of people don't know how to drive a manual.And teaching them seems much like teaching people how to drive for the first time.That advert about teaching teenagers is so close to reality I cringe when I see it.
Jan 25, 1:09pm
If anyone cannot safely drive either, then they should not be on the road at all, it shows just how pathetic NZ`s driver licencing is.
Jan 25, 5:26pm
Why did you need to renew it! Did you add another class or similar or did it just expire! If it just expired, 10 years is an awful long time to have a restricted licence. I thought there was a time limit for a restricted to sit their full or lose it! If there isn't, there should be.
Jan 25, 9:07pm
^^^ 10 year expiry againhad mine since 65 just whats printed on the form &theoffice jock ticks whatsappropiate. .7different conditions inc the auto one. So whatcircumstances would a driver only be allowed to drive an auto is what im asking as it will beon the persons license . Perhaps its somethingto do withdisabilities !
Jan 25, 9:22pm
Left foot brakers!
Jan 25, 10:19pm
Not yet there isn't, but in the next couple of years expect to see one.
The full test is now silly anyway, they made the restricted test hard, and the full test easy.
They probably should have made the restricted test hard and the full test even harder.
As it is now if you pass the "new" restricted, well, you'd have to having a pretty damn bad day to fail the full if you ask me.
Jan 26, 12:18am
i think restricted and learner licences should only have a 3 year expiry date and you cant re-new them after that time, only sit the next level. would stop people being on learners and restricted licences for so long.
Jan 26, 12:23am
some people get their licence for id-so why should they bother! my wife has no intention of sitting her restricted but got hers as a form of id.
Jan 26, 12:24am
get an 18+ card then.
Jan 26, 12:25am
lol shes 50
Jan 26, 12:26am
use her passport then!
Jan 26, 12:28am
sshh paja, noone likes the annoying guy
Jan 26, 12:29am
she doesn't have one
Jan 26, 12:29am
come back from playing battlefield have you!
Jan 26, 12:31am
I dont play battlefield annoying guy. Now fup, it took ages to get rid of the last dickhe*d in here so dont try and replace him
Jan 26, 12:31am
well why can't she get her full licence!
Jan 26, 12:32am
oh thats right, you keep raging because people kill you from behind. your the only annoying thing here
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