Nissan march. Very cute but someone says horrible to drive out of town but if only plan on a 20 k trip once a month and rest of
Jan 27, 1:40am
Very cute, but someone says horrible to drive out of town, but if only plan on a 20 k trip once a month and rest of time going around town what do you guys think. And safety wise is it any good! I've been tossing up between one of these all kitted out or a Mazda Axela. I like the fact that the Nissan is way cheaper to buy, but safety is high on my list too
Jan 27, 1:46am
Hate to refer to your other thread you have going but if you are planning to tow with a Nissan March then forget it. Any thing on the tow ball more than a bike rack is out of the question :-)
Jan 27, 1:50am
No not tow but like the car very cute lol
Jan 27, 1:51am
One option running through my head is forget caravan and hire a car when I need to go on holiday!
Jan 27, 1:53am
Wife had a couple in the UK (badged as Micra). ASTONISHINGLY fine cars. Long distance not a problem. Read the UK reviews for Nissan Micra.
Jan 27, 2:39am
My wife loves the march -peppy/economical and feels roomy inside
Jan 27, 5:01am
Get a march and put a SR20VE in it, they fit with a bit of engineering. 200hp in a march, yea boi.
Jan 27, 6:31am
Mrs sr2 has had a March for her firm??
Jan 27, 1:02pm
Lol, yeah I'm not thinking guys should drive one unless they breed lap dogs hehe
Jan 27, 7:24pm
I've heard ongoing reports (from both owners and mechanics).Head gaskets, stretched timing chains, CVT trans failures, power steering and rack issues.So if you look at one, ensure the pre-purchase inspection covers these and other common to the model issues.
My workmate has one and has had two cam chains stretch, and now the steering rack is apparently poked.
Jan 28, 12:12am
is this certain year/model!
Jan 28, 12:13am
Have a look at your other thread if you have not already.
Jan 28, 1:51pm
Have you tried buying in Auckland! You will probly find cheaper there
Jan 28, 2:44pm
Presumably the old K11 model made since the early '90s, known for both timing chain and CVT issues. The next model (2002 - 2007) reverted to conventional slush-box auto.This is (IMO) the model to get if you want a cheap, reliable runabout. Latest model is back to CVT - so in about 5 years we'll find out if CVTs have improved, or are still hand-grenades. Next runabout we're going to get will be a manual.
Jan 28, 3:15pm
The CVT comment was from the K11 shape yup.Workmate with the stretched cam chains issue, and power steering issues is ~ 2005 model.
Jan 28, 5:10pm
Oh, this is the car I want. Giving me some thought now. Just need a small car for myself. I picked this as its small, but roomy inside. Love the two front seats, very comfortable. Good on gas. And of cause it was a chain belt. But after reading this, thinking twice about this car :(
Jan 28, 5:23pm
To put those comments into prospective. Ive sold a LOT of02-05 marches both the 1200cc and the 1400cc version. NOT ONE of these has come back under warranty for the power steering,cam chain issue discussed.-to give you an idea its about 2 a month. But if you have been put off I'd strongly suggest looking at the 02-06 mazda demio.Mechanically they are a superior vehicle They have the VVTi cam chain engine and are a bit better for carrying"stuff"
Jan 31, 5:08pm
Mum had a demio but some git smashed into it on motorway. I just need a small car for me really.
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